50 Amazing Health Benefits of Coffee You Should Definitely Know


Getting up early in the morning has made many of us dependent on coffee. After all, gulping the black fluid stimulates our senses and gives us a jolt of energy. However, you must be wondering if that drink is actually beneficial for you.

Well, the answer is yes. Many of you may not care about the risks or advantages of coffee as long as it gives you an energy boost. But coffee is one of the healthiest beverages out there.

Here are fifty facts about coffee to help you understand why coffee is healthy for you.

Stimulates You to Wake Up

Well-known for giving an energy boost, coffee is the go-to option for those who feel sleepy. In fact, it is the main reason people prefer to have coffee in the morning or when pulling an all-nighter. This is because the drink contains caffeine which travels through the bloodstream to the brain.

Caffeine inhibits a neurotransmitter and stimulates the awakening of your senses. A study has even proved how coffee acts as a stimulant. That is why having the beverage makes you more aware of the surroundings.

So if you are looking to be more vigilant, you should try having a cup of coffee.

Makes You More Focused

Caffeine is a stimulant that will make you more alert and focused. It can improve various brain functions. One of them includes improving your reaction time.

According to an experiment, it has been confirmed that coffee causes drivers to be more focused. The conclusion was formed by comparing the efficiency of drivers who drank coffee and those who didn’t. A cup of the beverage will keep you awake behind the steering wheel for the whole night.

Thus, if you’re going on a road trip, fill yourself up with some coffee. It will improve your performance and decrease sleepiness.

Helps You through Headaches

Many receptors that stimulate migraines and headaches can be blocked by caffeine. Besides that, many painkillers have coffee as one of the key ingredients. That is because it is known to increase the efficiency of pain medicines by about forty percent.

Caffeine allows medications to be readily absorbed in the bloodstream and reach the target center. By drinking coffee regularly, you can prevent yourself from getting headaches. It is used by many people for migraine treatment, as per a study.

However, keep in mind to limit the consumption to a moderate level otherwise, your dependency on caffeine would increase.

Increases Your Intellect

Coffee has a significant impact on your mind and behavior. That is because it is a psychoactive substance. Not all such substances can affect you positively.

However, coffee is the most common psychoactive substance that has a positive impact. It works by blocking the action of adenosine which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Due to this, other chemical substances which improve your intellect are released.

According to a research, the link between coffee and high cognitive skills has been recognized. It is the reason behind the improvement of many brain functions. Thus, start drinking up if you want to become more intelligent.

Highly Nutritious

Many of you may believe that coffee only contains caffeine. Well, that is a common misconception. Aside from caffeine, it has many other nutrients as well that improves your health.

Some of the vitamins loaded in a coffee cup are vitamins B2, B5, and B3. Apart from these, it also contains minerals such as magnesium and potassium. A study has even highlighted the quantity of these substances in detail.

Thus, unlike other beverages, coffee can have a significant effect on your diet. So, do you want to live a healthier life? If yes, then drink coffee regularly with a moderate intake.

Helps To Increase Good Cholesterol

Cholesterols are substances that occur in our bodies naturally. HDL cholesterol is good for our health, while LDL is not. One way to keep levels of good cholesterol high is by having coffee.

As you already know, coffee stores a lot of antioxidants. This enables the concentration of HDL to rise, providing you more safety. After all, many cardiovascular diseases can be reduced due to the good cholesterol in your body.

Here is a study that highlights the impact of antioxidants on cholesterol levels. The key to staying healthy is by having coffee regularly. Hence, now is the time to increase your intake.

Has Low Calories

Do you want to lose weight or not gain more weight? If yes, then consider having coffee. One cup of 8oz coffee has no fats and consists of two calories only.

You should keep in mind, though, that we are talking about plain black coffee here. Once you add sugar, milk, and cream to your drink that is where it becomes unhealthy. According to research by Harvard, the addition of the above substances increases the calorie to about 100.

Thus, avoid putting heavy stuff into your drink and stick to the good old black coffee. After you start consuming it every day, you will notice a decrease in your weight.

Source of Hydration

Keeping themselves hydrated is a difficult task for many people. For you, water may be the best source of hydration. However, coffee can hydrate you to the same level as water.

A few years ago, a study was conducted to see the impact of coffee on hydration. The results concluded that people with only moderate intake of coffee remain as hydrated as people who had water only. Thus, fret not if you don’t like drinking water.

The perfect solution is to have coffee. It has a similar effect on your body and acts as a good alternative. Keeping a fixed intake within the normal range will help you to stay healthy.

Builds Up Muscle Strength

Research shows that coffee can stimulate the part of your brain that releases a growth factor. This factor is a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). It aims to promote neuromuscular activity and prevent early aging of muscles.

Consuming coffee every day in moderate quantity ensures that the levels of BDNF remain normal in your body. When the BDNF is normal, the strength of your muscles will increase along with their functions.

Thus, coffee not only helps in improving muscles but also allows you to maintain them as well. Besides that, you are less likely to suffer from muscular degradation if your coffee intake is regular.

Coffee Allows You to Work out More

Do you play a sport that requires a lot of physical effort? If so, then having coffee can help you improve. As per a study, athletes who intake coffee before exercising are less prone to becoming exhausted soon.

Aside from that, having coffee allows you to perform better and complete more of your goals. That is because caffeine increases the glycogen content of your muscles. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose in our bodies.

Having greater stores of glycogen ensures that you can respire aerobically for a longer time. This prevents muscle fatigue, so you can continue working without much strain.

Enhances Gaseous Exchange

According to research, caffeine is known to improve your blood flow. It does this by causing the heart to pump more blood every time. Since more blood flows through different body parts, an efficient gaseous exchange can take place.

In an experiment, it was deduced that participants who drank coffee received more blood to their fingers. Due to this more significant amount of oxygen was transferred to their muscles which is required for proper functioning. Thus, caffeine is very beneficial for your muscles and physical performance.

Once you start consuming coffee more, you will realize an increase in your endurance. That is because of the better gaseous exchange.

Improves and Repairs Your DNA

DNA is one of the delicate parts of our lives. Having a healthy DNA means you will be less prone to being affected by certain diseases. One way that coffee helps you is by providing you chlorogenic acid (CLA).

CLA is a compound that enhances the expression of a gene, resulting in the formation of an enzyme. This enzyme allows your body to repair its DNA to prevent health risks. Thus, people who consume coffee have healthier DNA than those who don’t.

A study has even shown that fewer DNA strands broke in cells of people who drank coffee than those who consumed water.

Helps In Relief from Asthma Symptoms

Caffeine has many beneficial functions for your body. It assists your pulmonary system in working efficiently. That is why it can help to reduce asthma symptoms and provide you some relief.

Here is a research that shows how similar caffeine is to theophylline. For those of you who are unaware, theophylline is a drug that helps to open up your blocked airways. So, when caffeine acts similarly, it can decrease asthma signs such as coughing and breathlessness.

If any of you suffers from asthma, do increase your coffee intake. It will help soothe you and provide you some peace every day for few hours.

Enhances Your Skin

Skin is our largest and most delicate organ. That is why you should always pay attention to skincare. A common way to enhance skin glow is by using coffee for exfoliating. Mixing a cup of coffee with coconut oil and sea salt will give you a scrub that will rid you of dead skin.

Besides being a natural remedy, coffee also helps to prevent skin cancers. Research showed that drinking three cups of coffee or more decreases the risk of basal cell carcinoma by 20%. So, if you don’t like using coffee scrubs, you should continue with your regular intake.

Great for Stress

When feeling stressed, one way to feel better is by smelling something you love. That is because some aromas have a relieving effect on your brain. For example, coffee’s smell is well-known for reducing stress.

The aroma causes a change in brain proteins that are related to stress and soothes the effect. This is why many people feel a sense of relief when they take a whiff of their coffee cup. According to a study, people who consume coffee regularly face less stress in their lives.

One of the reasons for this response is that the blood pressure of coffee drinkers does not rise in problematic situations.

Keeps Your Teeth in Shape

Dental decay is one of the most common teeth problems people face aside from plaque formation. Coffee can assist you in tackling both of these problems effectively. So, are you wondering how coffee can help your teeth?

The answer is simple – it has caffeine. Another function of caffeine is that it can act as an antibacterial. Thus, it inhibits the bacteria that are involved in causing dental problems.

In fact, as per a study, caffeine is more effective than the antibiotic ampicillin, which is commonly prescribed for dental decay. Besides that, consuming black coffee is the best way to prevent cavities as it decreases bacterial progress by 40%.

Helps In Preventing Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a common type of cancer that can lead to death. However, coffee can allow you to survive this disease. Consuming the beverage is known for decreasing the risk of oral cancer.

According to a research, coffee acts protectively against this cancer. People who drink more than four cups have less than a 50% chance of dying from oral cancer. The reason behind this protective mechanism is the antioxidants and polyphenols that are found in coffee.

So, if you are looking for a remedy for pharyngeal cancer with the least side effects, then coffee should be your top choice.

Coffee Prevents Tinnitus

Do you know what tinnitus is? If not, then let us provide you some knowledge. It is a fancy name for the ringing of ears.

Many people suffer through tinnitus and find it very uncomfortable. However, there is no need to worry anymore. We have the perfect solution for you.

Coffee is the best way to protect yourself from tinnitus. How exactly does coffee prevents ringing remains unknown, but it has something to do with the nervous system. As per a study, women who consumed caffeine more faced the least occurrences of tinnitus.

That is why you should moderately consume caffeine on a regular basis.

Security against Retinal Harm

Retinal degradation can occur due to progressing age or a particular disease. Coffee can slow down retinal harm through chlorogenic acid. It is an antioxidant that prevents your retinas from facing excessive stress.

Besides that, it also ensures that free radicals do not cause any harm to your retinas. This has been confirmed through an extensive study as well. Pure black coffee contains about 7 to 9% chlorogenic acid, allowing sufficient oxygen supply to your eyes.

Thus, the high amount can save retinas from oxidative stress. Coffee is crucial for proper eyesight. By consuming it regularly, you can protect yourself against many eye diseases.

Prevents Eyelid Spasms

Blepharospasm is a disorder due to involuntary contractions of muscles. In simple words, because of improper muscle movements, you face eyelid spasms. However, coffee can help soothe the pain and prevent this disorder from developing.

Some time ago a research was conducted to determine the effect of coffee on eyelid spasms. It was concluded that coffee drinkers are less prone to developing the disease. Besides that, the higher your coffee intake lower the risk of suffering through eyelid spasms.

Caffeine can help your sight in many ways by acting on different receptors. If you’re still not convinced to consume coffee, then we don’t know what to say.

Coffee Helps Reducing Kidney Stones

The primary function of the kidney is to excrete waste products such as urine. Coffee hydrates you just like water and has a diuretic effect when consumed. Whether it is decaf or regular coffee, both can help in decreasing the risk of kidney stones development.

Kidney stones form when the concentration of urine is high in the body. Through excretion, its concentration can be decreased for the proper functioning of the homeostatic mechanism. Thus, having eight ounces of the drink can help your kidneys to work efficiently.

Here is a study to help you understand the impact of caffeinated and decaf coffee on kidney stones.

Assists In the Battle against Depression

Depression has become one of the leading causes of suicide in many countries. Many of you may be taking antidepressant pills to overcome the difficult phase. However, drugs can be harmful and affect your mental health more negatively.

That is why you should stick to a safer option such as coffee. According to a study, consumption of more than two cups can decrease the rate of suicide by 50%. Besides that, depression can reduce by about 20% by having coffee.

Coffee can serve as an antidepressant and promotes the production of hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. These substances make you feel more relaxed and happier.

Positive Impact on Hair

Hair loss is widespread in both men and women. In men, baldness usually occurs when a hormone DHT damages hair cells. However, even women can suffer hair loss due to DHT.

Thus, coffee can aid your hair growth and prevent further loss. A study confirmed that caffeine could inhibit the action of DHT. Besides that, it also stimulates the strengthening of hair roots.

Coffee also increases the blood flow to hair cells so that the hair has more volume and a better appearance. If you are suffering from hair loss, then a regular caffeine intake helps you restore growth.

Safeguards against Erectile Dysfunction

As you already know, coffee enhances the blood flow to different body parts. One of them is the penis which can quickly erect if blood flow is maintained. Unfortunately, many men face severe mental health issues due to erectile dysfunction (ED).

Consumption of coffee can help you through this problem. If your coffee intake per day is above 250 mg, then consider yourself safe from erectile issues. Here is a research to help you understand the scientific link between caffeine and ED.

So, to ensure a healthy sex life, you should regularly drink coffee. It will prevent you from developing ED and boost your energy.

Fulfils Your Dietary Requirements

Many people who are regular coffee drinkers have suitable weight and healthy bowel movements. That is because coffee is a rich source of dietary fiber. Thus, if you have constipation issues, you should increase the quantity of coffee in your diet.

As per a study, coffee has the highest quantity of dietary fiber than other drinks. Therefore, by having three or four cups every day, you will exceed your typical dietary requirement of roughage. Hence, you can lead a healthy life with a suitable intake of coffee.

Besides that, it will also help to keep your blood pressure regular, thus providing additional protection.

26. Coffee Means Weight Loss

statistics showing that Coffee helps you burn fat

While many coffee shops attract customers by claiming that their coffee is ‘low-fat’, nobody says that you need to drink a Frappuccino every day in order to lose weight. While excess sugar must be avoided if you want to lose weight, there is no harm in having a cup of coffee every morning without the sugary add-ons. A cup of black coffee can actually boost your metabolism which helps you fight fat in your body. The faster your metabolism, the less likely you are to gain weight.

27. Instant Energy Boost

Coffee gives you energy

Why do we all drink coffee? Obviously, for the energy and to keep us alert. Science has proved this through extensive research that concluded that consuming caffeine speeds up the metabolism of your brain. This means that the brain starts to work overtime and decreases the blood flow, triggering a release of norepinephrine. The magical chemical in your brain helps you feel more alert and aroused – helping you attend to all the tiring chores of the day. Having a cup of coffee in the morning can even help you perform better on a test or at your workplace since it helps in mental performance.

28. Helps You Become More Active

How active are you, really?

People generally start their day with a cup of coffee because like recharging your brain it simultaneously recharges your body. Hence coffee increases one’s physical performance as well such as consumption of coffee before rugby improves speed, power and passing accuracy. Moreover, coffee boosts energy making one feel less fatigued and is able to do more physical activities such as cycling with more speed and power. A study measures ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during exercise immediately after the indigestion of caffeinated coffee and found that caffeine contributes to a 5.6% drop in RPE and also improved exercise performance by 11.2%.

29. Lower Risk of Parkinson’s

coffee and parkinsons disease

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, coffee reduces the risk of chronic illnesses amongst which one is Parkinson’s disease. As the disease is prevalent after the age of 60 years and studies have observed a person to live up to 10 to 20 years. Research has signified that coffee is more than just a caffeine delivery system as it has 100 different compounds that reduces the risk by almost 31%. It was further supported by a study in America which reviewed that people who drank coffee regularly were less likely to have Parkinson’s disease. Despite these benefits, empirical evidence is required for a clearer version of how the risk can be reduced.

30. No Memory Related Diseases

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If you are a regular coffee consumer, then chances are that you have a lower risk of having Alzheimer’s and dementia – two diseases that are directly linked to memory. One scientific research concluded that people who drank between 3-5 cups of coffee everyday had a 65% reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s in later life. Since people argued that coffee contains many other additives apart from caffeine, another study confirmed that it is, in fact, the caffeine that prevents risk of memory-related diseases. Perhaps this is because coffee makes mental alertness better, thus helping our brains to perform optimally for longer periods of time.

31. Prevents Liver Disease

Coffee reduces liver disease

Your liver is one of the most vital organs in your body. To keep your whole body healthy, you must protect your liver first. Even if you have had a long night of drinking alcohol, your liver can be saved by having a cup of coffee in the morning. All the active ingredients in coffee help your liver restore normal function and prevents the risk of having liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis. Regular coffee consumption is especially recommended for those who have a habit of drinking alcohol. While alcohol damages your liver, coffee can help recover it. However, you should always drink responsibly because no amount of coffee can reverse the effects of alcohol abuse in your body.

32. Cancer Risk Becomes Low

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Coffee does not only reduce your risk for a certain type of cancer – instead, it can reduce cancer risk for almost all your body’s vital organs. Studies show that coffee reduces risk of bladder, prostate, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer. Depending upon your coffee consumption, you can easily lower your risk of colorectal cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, and even a brain tumor. Coffee gives your body lots of healthy nutrients that improves your metabolism, heart rate, and organ function – thus reducing your overall cancer risk significantly.

33. Coffee Can Increase Your Life Expectancy


Since coffee protects you against a wide range of diseases, there is no denying that it increases your life expectancy. By giving you feelings of happiness and keeping your organs healthy, coffee makes you want to enjoy the finer things in life for a longer period of time. A research at Harvard School of Public Health concluded that having at least one cup of coffee everyday lowers your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. If you can avoid these diseases, then you can certainly have a longer life expectancy.

34. More Antioxidants than Fruits

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What is your main source of antioxidants? If you answered fruits and vegetables, then we have a surprise for you. Coffee actually has one of the highest proportions of antioxidants compared to fruits, vegetables, and even grains. Antioxidants are great for your body because it protects against cell degermation and keeps your organs healthy. If you want to lower your risk of disease, make sure that you have enough antioxidants in your diet. Now that you know coffee is a great source of antioxidants, feel free to add a cup of coffee to your morning routine to keep your body healthy.

35. No More Heart Disease

While many people used to believe that coffee puts you at risk for heart disease, it actually does the opposite. Coffee can protect your heart function by reducing your risk of having a heart stroke. In fact, one study concluded that moderate coffee drinking habits in women actually put them at a lower risk of coronary heart disease. If you have been drinking coffee for as long as you can remember, then you probably have a significantly lower risk of having heart disease. All the antioxidants in coffee actually protect your heart from a range of diseases including cardiovascular mortality.

36. Prevents Tooth Cavities

Teeth being attacked by bacteria

One of the heroic benefits of coffee is that it fights against a cruel known bacteria called Streptococcus Mutans which destroy our teeth by causing cavities. They have been named as the bad boys who grow in between the teeth when remained unchecked. The literature burst our bubble of myths that coffee can make our teeth black by telling the coffee can aid in stopping the progress of the bacteria by at least 40%. It acts as a protective layer. Studies also say that among all types of coffee the best results are gained by black coffee. Therefore, we get two benefits healthy body and shiny teeth.

37. Longer Workouts

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If you thought that coffee only helps your brain perform better, you are in for a great surprise. Apart from your brain, coffee can also help you exercise for longer periods of time. Your physical performance can improve significantly if you are a regular coffee drinker, especially in terms of more endurance during cycling and weightlifting. If you are looking for ways to reduce your fatigue during workouts, then we recommend adding a cup of coffee or two to your daily routine. The additional energy boost of adrenaline will help you put in longer workouts, thus giving you the summer body that you had been dreaming of.

38. No Post-Workout Soreness

Muscle pain vs coffee graph

People who go to the gym regularly know that post-workout soreness is the worst. Your muscles are all cramped up, and it is much harder to even go down the stairs the

morning. If you want to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling, we recommend having a cup of coffee before you hit the gym. Not only will coffee give you more energy for a longer workout, but it will also reduce the amount of post-workout pain that you experience. In fact, coffee can reduce your soreness after exercise for up to 3 days. If you exercise regularly, it might be a great idea to start drinking coffee regularly as well.

39. Better Blood Flow

coffee effects on the body in general

Many research in the past believed that coffee had no effect on blood flow. However, over time, science has finally concluded that coffee certainly affects your blood flow which gives you a more stabilized blood pressure as well as a healthier organ function. However, a sudden increase in coffee consumption can increase your blood pressure too. If you are not habituated to drinking coffee, it is probably best for you to start off in moderation. 1-2 cups of coffee daily can help improve blood flow in the long-term, giving you healthier skin and a lower risk of disease.

40. Better Memory

Coffee cravings can play havoc with your memory – Research Digest

You must have seen students drinking extra cups of coffee before their exams. While the coffee helps with mental performance and more energy, it also contributes to your memory. Since coffee keeps you alert and awake, it gives your brain better short-term memory where you are able to store and process information temporarily. This means that understanding information becomes much easier when you have had a cup of coffee. Additionally, coffee even contributes towards memory consolidation – a process that ensures that memories are stored properly in long-term storage. Coffee stimulates your brain areas in many ways, and due to the rapid release of neurotransmitters in your brain, coffee can certainly give you a better memory recall.

41. Reduces Gout in Men

Graph showing gout and relationship with coffee

The consumption of coffee can also limit the peril of gout. Basically, gout is a medical condition in which arthritis is caused by defect in the metabolism of uric acid. Due to the effect on the levels of uric acid, the most affected body part is toe followed by leg and joints and it can cause severe pain and puffiness. The relationship between coffee and gout has been highlighted in research were one research states that intake of sugar can regulate the body’s metabolism and bring down the uric acid which was further strengthen by the findings of another reflecting that coffee reduces the levels of uric acid thus being beneficial health.

42. Healthy Bowel Movement

Coffee and disorders of the large intestine - Coffee and Health

Nobody likes constipation. The easiest hack to keeping your bowel healthy and avoid constipation is to consume coffee regularly. Coffee helps your body digest food rapidly and eliminates waste effectively – thus giving you an incredibly healthy bowel movement. Regular coffee consumption also helps your gastrointestinal muscles contract, thus giving you the feeling of needing to use the restroom. This coordinated contraction and relaxation of the muscles in your intestine are what keep your bowel healthy – and coffee provides significant aid to this whole process. Being a regular coffee drinker means that you have a significantly lower risk of having constipation.

43. Gives Your Body Healthy Bacteria

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Everyone knows that your body needs healthy bacteria to function properly. Coffee actually provides gastrointestinal flora to your body, thus increasing the metabolic activity. When you have a high metabolism, it is easier for your body to digest food and contributes towards weight loss as well. A thorough study concluded that subjects who were given an additional 6 cups of coffee every day had higher levels of gut-friendly bacteria such as Bifidobacterium. Coffee is also known to have soluble fiber and phenolic compounds that helps the gut-friendly bacteria to function effectively and keeps your gut healthy.

44. Quick Recovery after Surgical Procedures

Recovery Following Bowel Surgery Explained

If you have ever gotten surgery, you would know how lengthy the healing and recovering process is. Drinking coffee can actually help your body recover much faster. Research that was related to bowel surgeries concluded that consuming coffee after an operation can help your body restore normal bowel function much quicker than those who did not drink coffee regularly. This means that coffee can help your colon heal quicker, thus helping you come back to eating solid foods quickly. While there is little research that could tell us how coffee helps in recovery after surgical procedures, there is some evidence that it is due to the high levels of antioxidants that naturally aid the body.

45. Gives You Better Eyesight

Cataract | AOA

Everyone wants to have a perfect eyesight. Even if you never needed glasses in your early adulthood, old age could cause significant retinal degeneration that results in a constant need for glasses. If you are somebody who hates wearing eyeglasses, then perhaps you should start drinking coffee regularly. Coffee contains CLA – an antioxidant that keeps your retina healthy and damage free. Consuming raw coffee (or black coffee without sugary additives) can help your eyes fight oxidative stress – thus keeping you far away from eyeglasses or lenses. In fact, coffee can even protect your eyes against cataracts.

46. Lower Risk of Bladder Stones

Did you know that coffee consumption can give you a healthier gut? Specifically, drinking up to four cups of coffee every day can put you at lower risk for gallbladder stones. These bladder stones are the result of liquid in the bladder that is hardened to form stones that block the bile duct. As a result, the stones can cause severe inflammation, pain, and high fever. Several research have proven that regular coffee consumption gives you a healthier gut in general – helping you avoid a range of different diseases. Coffee can also help you avoid getting other gallbladder diseases, thus keeping your body safe and healthy.

47. Lowered Risk for Prostate Cancer in Men

Do You Start Your Day with a 'Cup of Joe'? | Engoo Daily News

A recent study done by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute gave us a finding that will change most men’s life. Drinking a few cups of coffee every day can actually lower your risk of developing prostate cancer for up to 60% – which is a very significant number. While scientists and researchers are still unsure how coffee consumption is linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer, nobody should mind having an extra cup of coffee every day if it means a significantly lower cancer risk. After all, prostate cancer is considered to be one of the most painful types of cancer and if coffee can avoid that instance, then everybody should love coffee.

48. Gives You Feelings of Happiness

Coffee boosts happiness by 13 percent, says survey - Comunicaffe International

Interestingly, research has shown that drinking coffee actually lowers your risk of depression. Since coffee helps release neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline in your brain, it certainly gives you feelings of happiness. This happiness can dramatically lower your risk of suicide too. The Harvard School of Public Health concluded that having at least two cups of coffee every day can reduce the risk of suicide in both men and women by about 50%. If coffee keeps us away from depression, then you shouldn’t have a problem having 2-4 cups of your happy drink every day.

49. Gives You Better Hearing

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Our ears are one of the most important sensory organs in our body. If we wouldn’t be able to hear, we would have difficulty in speaking or understanding what others are saying. One of the most common hearing problem experienced by older individuals is constantly hearing a ringing sound. This can become extremely annoying and disruptive over time, if not treated effectively. However, an easy way to prevent hearing loss is to consume coffee regularly. Tinnitus is the scientific term for hearing a ringing sound in the ears, and tinnitus is least associated with those who are regular coffee drinkers. While science is still unsure why and how coffee gives you better hearing, we can still enjoy our cup of morning coffee for the sake of a healthier nervous system.

50. Gives You Healthy Hair

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If you want to have strong and healthy hair, then we recommend having at least one cup of coffee every day. The International Journal of Dermatology recently published a study concluding that caffeine is an effective stimulator of hair growth. Since some men and women can have high levels of testosterone that prevents hair growth, regular caffeine consumption that counteract these negative effects and give you a head full of healthy and long hair. However, you should remember that coffee must always be consumed in moderation. Even if you want to have longer hair, one or two cups of coffee per day should be sufficient.
