A New Way to Combat Food Waste-And It May Not Be Your First Guess


Food waste can be a big problem.  We all know that we’re wasting too much food.  Yet, no one seems to have a good solution for this.  Let’s face it, we all want to be healthy, and part of that is buying fresh food, but that will tend to go bad much more quickly.  Our busy schedules sometimes mean we forget that we have a fresh head of lettuce in the fridge, or some perfectly ripe avocados in the fruit bowl.  If we were just reminded in some way, maybe we could solve this problem.

How can we be reminded?

Sure, you can set a reminder on your phone maybe, but it will likely stand on your screen until you no longer notice it.  There is a new option.  This new option comes in the form of a sensor developed at MIT.

The reason food goes bad is due to a gas called ethylene.  Simply put, as food starts to go bad, the more of this gas it will produce.  This sensor would be able to detect the presence of ethylene and alert you when food may be starting to go bad.  This will let you know when you have to consume it, so you can avoid throwing it into the trash at the end of the week.  Imagine how much this could cut food waste out of your home.  Now, think about some of the broader implications.

The Big Impact

Food waste isn’t just a problem in your home.  It’s an issue all across the food supply chain.  Trucks, factories, grocery stores, restaurants…anywhere that deals with food tends to generate waste.  Some waste is, of course, unavoidable. 

If you know it’s going to go bad in advance you might be able to plan accordingly.  A market delivery can be measured out by what’s going to go bad first.  These products can be the first to leave the truck so that they have a higher chance of being eaten.  If spoiling product makes its way to the store, they can know in advance thanks to the scanner.  It can help them plan sales, so they have less food to throw out. 

Restaurants can also make use of this sensor in order to make sure they are selling fresh product.

This device truly has the potential to completely change the way we handle our fresh food.  Our current food waste situation is not only upsetting, but it’s almost unsustainable.  Many people go hungry while rotting food sits in piles of trash.  Using a sensor, such as this one, could help us conserve more food, which can go to more hungry mouths. 

It also has to the power to help the environment by reducing some of our greenhouse gasses.  That’s always a win!  The last thing you might want to consider is your budget.  The grocery store is saving money by putting things on sale instead of throwing them out.  The restaurant is saving money by having an easier to keep track of their product.  And you are saving money, and you have a reminder that there are some healthy items in your house, and they might go bad if you don’t enjoy them now!
