Plant Protein vs. Animal Protein – What’s the Difference?


Animal protein and plant protein are both important to a healthy diet, but the way they’re used in your body is very different. Animal proteins tend to be complete proteins because they contain all of the essential amino acids that humans need for building muscle tissue and repairing cells. Plant-based proteins have limited amounts of these essential amino acids, so it’s necessary to combine two or more sources of plant-based protein together in order to get enough amino acids each day.

What is Animal Protein?

Animal protein comes from the muscles and organs of animals, including beef, pork, chicken, and fish. Animal proteins are complete because they contain all nine essential amino acids that humans need for building muscle tissue and repairing cells. The easiest way to get enough animal-based protein is by eating meat or other products made from animals like dairy milk and cheese.

What is Plant Protein?

Plant-based proteins come primarily from legumes like beans, lentils, and peas as well as nuts (like almonds), seeds (such as pumpkin) vegetables (including broccoli) grains such as rice or quinoa, wheat flour in bread or pasta dough; soybeans can also be used to make tempeh which has a similar texture to meat. Plant-based proteins are incomplete because they don’t contain all nine essential amino acids, so it’s necessary to combine different plant-based protein sources.

Benefits of Animal Protein

Some of the benefits of animal proteins are that they have all the essential amino acids our bodies need, and it’s easier for us to digest because we’re used to eating them from an early age. Animal proteins can be a great complementary addition or supplement in your diet when you’re trying to achieve weight loss or muscle gain goals; just make sure not to overdo it with anyone type so as to avoid excess calories. You may want to try adding egg whites into oatmeal, scrambled eggs on whole-grain toast, tuna on salad greens, etc. These are easy ways to add some plant-based protein without having too much meat at once – many people find it’s easier to get enough protein in their diets by rotating animal and plant-based proteins.

Benefits of Plant Protein

The benefits of plant-based proteins are that they’re often lower calorie or fat, which can be helpful for weight management goals. You could try adding tofu into your stir fry – the texture is similar to meat. You’ll want to pair with lots of veggies though because soybeans don’t have all the necessary amino acids like animal products do. Another option would be a peanut butter sandwich on whole-grain bread, banana pancakes with almond milk, etc.; these options may still satisfy your craving as well as being more nutritious (made from plants). Plant-based proteins provide you some energy and help maintain healthy bones but not quite at the same level animal protein does.

Bottom Line

Both these proteins play an important role in maintaining the health of our body. So it is important for us to consume reasonable amounts of both types of proteins.
