Hey! Do You Want to Add More Plant Based Foods to Your Diet Without Forgoing Meat? We Might Have an Answer for You.

It seems that for most of our lives, meat has been an integral part of our diet.  We’ve been told that it is necessary because it contains protein, and it is good for strength.  It’s been marketed as the perfect food group, but if that’s true, then why has it been linked to so many health issues?

Meat and our health

Have you run into high blood pressure?  Heart problems?  Type 2 diabetes?  Why does it seem that the answer to all of these problems is to eat less meat?  Shouldn’t we want to the protein to remain strong during this time?  Well, yes, but protein isn’t all that meat contains.  It is a serious culprit for rising cholesterol levels in…well, everyone.  Higher cholesterol leads to all of the health issues listed above.  In these cases, the benefits of eating meat don’t outweigh the costs.

Does that mean you should forgo eating meat altogether?  Some doctors would say yes, but that neglects how hard that is to do and the shock it causes your body.

What might be a better alternative?

The majority of vegetarians and vegans go back to eating some meat and animal products eventually (usually within five years).  Meat is such a huge part of our culture and it’s extremely hard to cut that out. 

As I mentioned earlier, vegetarianism is a shock to your body.  All of the proteins your body was getting through meat must now be made by your body if it can be.  Certain things, like b12, cannot be made by your body and must be taken through supplements. 

These supplements, and veganism as a whole, can be expensive.  On the other hand, research shows that it vastly improves your health and lowers your risk for disease. 

Where is the “in between”?

The in between is in hybrid foods.  A lot of vegan foods are plant or soy-based items that might imitate meat containing foods.  Veggie burgers are a great example.  If going completely meat-free isn’t for you, but you know you need to reduce your meat consumption, then try looking at hybrid foods. 

For example, think of a burger that contains both meat, and veggie products.  This hybrid meal can provide you with the benefits of meat, like protein and b12, while significantly decreasing the harm and still providing you a full meal. 

This isn’t just for those looking to decrease their consumption, but also for those who are looking to eliminate it.  Going to a vegetable diet cold turkey is a shock to your system, and it’s best to be careful with doing that.  Transitioning to hybrid products can do this for you.  It will allow you to move over the line before you decide to jump, and it shocks your body much less severely. 

We are overall becoming more aware of how meat consumption can hurt us, and we are seeing alternatives pop up everywhere.  Maybe complete alternatives can’t help, but you might be surprised by what hybrid products can do for you.