The Amazing Transformation Of Rebel Wilson That Shocked Everyone


Seems like Hollywood star Rebel Wilson always thought about her weight as an additional bonus to her comedic acting. When she starred in the Pitch Perfect films as Fat Amy, she was completely happy using her shape to add more comedic spirit to her acting. But last year, she changed her opinion on the matter, making a decision of living what she is now calling the “Year of Health.” She was resolved to improve her health, emotional and physical. As the result, this commitment that she made to herself lead her to a truly shocking transformation.

Starting A New Journey

It was when she announced to her followers that she was down by 33 pounds when her journey to weight loss started out. Before that, the world had known her as the overweight funny actress. But things have changed for her drastically since 2016.

She was determined to set her goals and achieve them through a healthy method. With a 165 pounds weight aim, she focused her energy on finding healthy methods of lowering her weight and feeling good about it. And as the result, she looks absolutely stunning now!

Preparing For Cats And Losing Weight

While the initial 33 pounds loss was pretty fascinating on its own, Rebel found herself losing more weight when she was casted for Cats. There were so many dances that were supposed to take place, and the actors weren’t allowed to cool down at all. So, it was constant sweating and dancing throughout.

She was practicing with some of the best dancers in the world, so they weren’t going to rest. For every rehearsal, there was excessive preparation and dances, so the crew wasn’t given time to sit down and let themselves cool. It had also more to do with the fact that the dancers never wanted a break.

Getting Her Move On

After the Cats premier, it was quite visible that Rebel Wilson had seen quite a change in how she looked overall. Her weight loss had surely become visible, and she looked much better in shape than ever before. It was inevitable that she would be getting in a similar stance for her lifestyle pretty soon.

She kept the momentum going as she went on to keeping herself more fit and healthier. During the start of 2020 events, it was clear that she was doing something to keep herself looking fit and healthy. She has been focusing on her health ever since.

All Focus On Health

Rebel, in 2020, made an announcement that this was the year for health. While it was meant as a sarcastic award to the year of Covid-19, things changed for Rebel in terms of health as well. Through her actions, it was clear that she was all in for making herself healthy.

This means that she was all in for making sure that she is healthy, and promotes ways for other people to become health as well. Her energy and vibe is surely unmatched, which is why many of her followers joined in on her journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Engaging With Fans As She Goes

One thing that celebrities are always hush hush about is the way they transform their bodies. But Rebel is no ordinary celeb. She makes sure that she shares all of the experiences that she has with her fans. Her Instagram is the most popular method through which she showcases how to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

More than that, she also relates to many of us. People struggling with weight loss and being healthy found a companion in her as she shared her stories and engaged her audience with them. Having Rebel showcase her journey inspired many people who follow her.

Determination At Its Peak

A driving force behind someone’s weight loss journey is their determination. Rebel’s determination is unmatched with any other. Just take a look at this amazing view. She looks like a force of nature with her fists pumping in the air like she owns it all.

Rebel’s vibe and how she tackles her issues if perhaps one of the best things to get inspired with. Just be looking at this picture, you can see that there is a lot that she has to say. While standing on her coach, her fists in the air, she showcases how she is ready take on the world, no matter what.

Training With A Professional

If there is something that has kept rebel going all this time, it is working with a renowned celebrity personal trainer, Jono Castano. Jono is a great celebrity trainer residing in Sydney, who owns the Acero Training Series. This partnership has made things much easier for Rebel when it comes to losing weight.

Rebel was able to make the most of her year of health with the help of Jono. He is there to train her, push her body to the limits, and make sure that she has a day for rejuvenating her body. She follows a pretty tight schedule as we can all see.

Focusing on HIIT

There are various aspects that Rebel focuses on when it comes to her workouts. Her personal trainer, Jono, ensures that her workouts are divided into different variations. For instance, one of the major parts of her exercise revolves around high intensity interval training (HIIT). She does this every alternate day to get her body working.

Jono prepares a mix of various exercises on different says for her to work on. Doing so proves to be the most effective way to get her in the best shape. These mainly prolong for 30 minutes every alternate day, which is something to look forward to.

There Is Also Weight Training

You might think that HIIT is the only thing that Rebel might be doing for her weight loss. But that is not all. Jono would never allow this to happen. She has a very vigorous workout routine set for her by Jono which also involves weight training. So, it helps her build her body’s endurance to the best level.

Strength building is essential for every person. Rebel’s trainer ensures that ever alternate day Rebel also gets to train with weights. This will help her to build her muscles, which will eventually help her in cutting down the excess fat in her body.

And Then Comes Walking

You might think that HIIT and weight training is perhaps all the Jono prescribes to Rebel. But that is not the case. There is also a need for her to go on to ensure she has 10,000 steps in daily. Jono also recommends this to almost every client of his.

To ensure that she meets the target, Rebel goes outdoors for long walks or hikes. This is mainly how she is able to get those steps in daily. When she has a busy week and misses some workouts, she makes sure to take out time for her walks where she also runs to get her heart rate up.

Mixing Up Her Workouts

While Rebel follows a pretty hectic and tough schedule, she also makes sure that she is able to switch things over every now and then. Going through. One process every day can be quite boring for anyone. Jono ensures that Rebel gets enough variations throughout the week to keep her focused and excited for her days.

She has also gone out to work out with other celebrities in the same group, such as Liam and Chris Hemsworth. The three have been seen tossing tires from one to another as a part of an exercise routine. There is more to how she mixes her exercises up.

Exercise Only Covers 50 Percent

One major component of getting healthier is through exercising and ensure you’re getting the work done regularly. Rebel is surely seen to be making progress with the help of Jono in the best way possible. Her results are quite visible in the pictures she posts, especially when you see a before and after picture.

But exercising alone isn’t how she has come this far. There have been a series of things that came into play. One of the core things that need focus is your diet. Rebel turned her diet around to a completely different plan, and she is living for it.

Trip With Carly Steel

Rebel took a trip with Carly Steel, a TV host, to a wellness center in 2019. This was known to make things change for her much more than anything else. As soon as she saw the results of what the wellness center offered, it seemed that her switch was flipped in her head. She seemed more determined to be healthier and fitter for the following year.

The wellness center brings together exercise routines and medical treatments to help create a change in a person’s overall health. It was clear that this impacted Rebel quite a lot as she was all set to be losing weight next year.

Getting On The Mayr Method

Rebel followed the Mayr Method diet to help her achieve the results she saw at the wellness center. There was no doubt that she was going to follow through with it all, and make sure that she gets it all right. There is a lot of focus on different programs through this. These include cooking classes, oxygen therapy, and a lot more.

While it is an expensive treatment, celebrities, such as Rebel, can easily avail of these. The program promises you a difference in 14 days, and shows promising results. There is also a book focused on this diet to help those in need.

A Different Kind Of Diet

When it comes to the type of diet this is, you should know that it is unlike any other. What we mean by this is there aren’t any specific restrictions when it comes to this diet. The Mayr’s method focuses on increasing intake of vegetables and fish, while telling consumers to avoid dairy and gluten. But there aren’t any extreme prohibitions.

When it comes to the way this works, it is more focused on how to develop your habits of healthy eating than forcing you to change your ways instantly. This is much more sustainable than other methods of dieting.

Focused On The Gut

When it comes to the Mayr’s diet, the entire focus on is ensuring that your gut is happy. It is present to help others ensure that they develop healthy eating habits as opposed to what they follow currently. There are no forced restrictions on what you can consume and what you cannot. Instead, the diet gradually allows you to follow a healthier way of eating.

The diet program allows you to focus on habits, such as chewing more times to help you refocus your vision on having a healthier gut. The results are promising and the method ensures to be sustainable.

The Diet And The Results

Diets are not just a fad. They are here to change your entire lifestyle. With the Mayr’s diet, you will find that it helps shape your relationship with food differently than any other method. It builds it to be much better than it was before, and it showcases what you can do to ensure a healthy gut for yourself.

Rebel has been following this method ever since she saw this at the wellness center. Now, it is safe to say that she is closer to her goal. While she hasn’t disclosed the exact figure, it is clear that this method has made a huge difference to her.

Achieving Weight Loss Earlier

Rebel thought that she would be achieving her goals of 165 pounds by the end of 2020, the year of health. However, things worked in her favor as she was able to achieve this much earlier than this. By focusing on her body and mental health, she was able to ensure that she got to her goal well before it was time.

Her healthy lifestyle, trainers, determination, and everything else combined ensured that she achieved her goals a month before she as actually meant to. This is what we call true determination. She shared this detail on her social media as well.

Inspiring Fans Everywhere

Rebel focuses on body positivity. Throughout her journey, she has been able to ensure that she inspires her fans as she goes. There is so much to learn from her as she shares most of her details on her stories. For anyone struggling with similar issues, she happens to be the ideal person to follow to set your journey in motion.

She typically gets a range of comments that showcase how inspiring she is to them and the way she has inspired them. It is quite an amazing moment for a celebrity when they are able to inspire others in a positive manner.

To Meeting New People

Not only has Rebel changed her entire lifestyle to a much healthier one, but she has also gone out to find herself a new flame. She met Jacob Busch through her friend. This was around the same time when she found out about the Mayr’s diet, and started implementing this in her life.

She kept things hushed about her flame till late 2020. Now, everyone knows that Jacob’s family is one of the co-founders of Anheuser-Busch brewery, but he is completely down to earth. The two of them have surely hit it off, and we cannot wait to see more of them on social media.

Another Amazing Transformation

If Rebel Wilson’s story inspired you to lead a healthier lifestyle, then there is something more waiting for you. As you will see now, it isn’t just the celebrities that can set themselves life-changing goals, but also regular people like us.

So, if there is something that can motivate you to get up from your bed and hit the gym, it is this story. This couple changed their entire lives within a span of only 18 months. How did they do this? The two chose the path to a healthier lifestyle and made many sacrifices in the process. The results that you see are no less than astounding.

The two changed the goals of their lives and proceeded to transform their entire lifestyle. You will also get to see a glimpse of a renowned celebrity who went through a similar process like these two here.

Weight Was An Issue From The Start For Lexi

Lexi went through a major ordeal regarding her weight throughout her life. When she wanted to cut down her weight, she wasn’t able to, which made things very difficult for her. While she struggled with her weight, she made sure to never put a bad front.

She has always been happy and positive throughout her life. But as she grew older, at 25, her weight increased to 392 pounds. At this point, she could feel her happened fading away as she was held back from doing many things because of her weight. Everything seemed wrong for only a little while longer.

Falling In Love With Danny

Soon after, Lexi met Danny, and they instantly hit it off. Danny did not have much to care about when it came to looks or weight as he was completely smitten by Lexi’s personality. It was safe to say that she was equally head over heels for him. The two started their journey together, deeply in love.

While they were entirely happy being with each other, they weren’t exactly making the healthiest choices. They had bad eating habits, and they would indulge in foods that proved to be harmful to them. But it came to a point where things couldn’t be ignored.

The Continuous Bad Choices

The couple went on to making bad food choices over and over again. They had no care or concern for what they were putting in their bodies as they would often indulge in eating outdoors. They would continue to indulge excessively on gluttonous eating.

The saddest thing is if they didn’t stop at this moment, they would have never made it past a certain age. They stuffed themselves at buffets, always ordered from outside, and were always focused on food. This was worrying as everything they did was revolved around food one way or another. The continuous bad choices would’ve resulted in something worse than just obesity.

Admitting To The Problem

While they continued with their bad eating habits, Lexi always knew that what she was doing isn’t right. She focused on eating processed foo rather than homecooked meals because she was used to having them so frequently since she was younger. Her eating habits were formed as she grew up, and continued to eat in a similar pattern.

As she went on to the next phase of her life, she continued with the same habits after meeting up with Danny. There was no change in diet. In fact, it got worse as their lives only revolved around food and when to have it.

Zero Active Life

Perder peso en pareja es posible Lexi y Danny, los protagonistas de esta historia, no son un caso aislado. El… | Perder peso, El peso ideal, Plan de pérdida de peso

When it came to how they managed their life, it seems like they were only focused on eating together and perhaps staying in to watch TV. There was no moment where they would get up to work on their physique at any point. Watching TV and eating was the only comfort that they ever needed in their lives.

At some point, Lexi was the one who wished for the change. But after continuous time spent inactive, it was really difficult to get things on track for the first time in her life. It was going to be a difficult journey for her, but she was determined to be happy and positive throughout.

Danny Proposes To Lexi

Soon, Danny was down on his knee, proposing to the girl of his life. Lexi has always been stunned at how he never asked any change from Lexi. He accepted her the way she is, without having a care for her weight or anything else. This was quite an overwhelming moment for her and Danny.

But once he popped the question, one question also came up on Lexi’s mind. This revolves around whether or not she would be able to find a wedding dress for her size. At this point in life, she weighed about 485 pounds. There was more focus on her size than her being a bride.

Lexi Finds A Dress, And They Get Married

While she was pretty worried about finding a perfect wedding dress for her, she was able to find one. They were soon married, and continued to be living happily together in their new life. The couple was determined to live a happy life. However, as their lives progressed, so did conversations about the future and having children at some point.

The sad truth was that it would be difficult to have children with Lexi’s weight. Even if she did end up pregnant, it would be difficult for the child to survive. This is one of those things that made her brain click and made her want to do better in life.

The Possible Inability To Travel

It was quite evident that Lexi kept growing even after getting married. She had hit 500 pounds, her heaviest after her marriage to Danny. But as she thought about kids and having to change her life around, she was also thinking about how she would never be able to travel if her weight continues to go up.

She had plans of getting out from Indiana, but these would only come true if she were to reduce her weight. Only then would she be able to get on those theme park rides or the plane, to begin with. A change was highly needed for her.

The Moment It All Changed

Danny and Lexi had a wonderful first year, without any worry about their health and habits. But soon after a year, Lexi started thinking in a different direction. While Danny was content at where he was in life, Lexi was the one who was seeking change. There were too many worries revolving both of them, and she wanted to achieve her dreams.

While she did wish to make a change, making an actual change was much more difficult. It required time and energy from her side. The year went by, and nothing happened. But as soon as the New Year came, things were looking pretty different.

Losing Weight For This Year’s Resolution

In 2016, Lexi decided that she had enough with their eating behaviors. She went on to stop Danny from eating all of the junk that he was before, and also focused on a better diet for herself as well. Danny was on a similar pathway to Lexi as he was gaining weight while eating anything and everything, without having any workout planned.

It was important to convince Danny to do this with her if she wanted to see results, and she did. She put the brakes on his eating habits, and encouraged him to do better to become healthier if they were to have kids.

Committing To The Change

It was difficult for Danny to meet these changes that Lexi put forward, but after thinking about them properly, he knew this needs to be done. He didn’t have much care about getting healthier on his own. The idea of losing out on all the things he was eating and then working out on top of that wasn’t something that fascinated him.

However, he went ahead with this because of his love for his wife. He wanted to make sure that he was a supportive husband no matter what. So, he went on to ensure that he was making the right sacrifices for her.

Rules Set For The Couple

It is not easy to change things around for yourself, especially when it comes to bad habits. It takes a lot of determination and will to change things around for yourself. Lexi and Danny placed a few rules for themselves when it came to changing their habits. These including avoiding soda, eating out, alcohol, and cheat meals. Along with this, they were supposed to work out for 30 minutes at least five times in a week.

The change was sudden, and it would have been difficult for them to make it through the entire ordeal, but they were determined to make the change for themselves.

What Lexi Has To Say About Her Lifestyle

It is clear that Lexi was the one who initiated the change for both of them. She was done just sitting and eating for the rest of her life. She had goal and aspirations to do better in life, and to do this, she needed to make sure that she is healthier.

She had so many things planned out to do with her husband, such as takin a romantic walk with him. This could only be done if they were to lose the weight. Another thing that she really wanted to do was start a family eventually. She was scared that she would never be able to do so.

Finding The Ideal Gym

Having the perfect gym helps in getting you to lose weight much faster. Finding the ideal gym was a bit of a difficulty for Danny and Lexi. They required a place which would offer them the right equipment and a trainer who would help them find a routine for themselves. This was highly important for them at this stage.

However, the couple was not financially stable enough to hire a trainer, so they were determined to work their way around. They were able to find the perfect gym for themselves soon enough. Their mission of finding a gym soon came to an end.

The Right Gym For Lexi

Lexi was focused on finding a gym with many requirements on hand. The first and the most important one was not having too many people around who would just judge them for their weight. More than that, she wouldn’t be comfortable working out around too many people. Along with this, she needed a gym that would have equipment for her weight.

Luckily for her, she was able to find the perfect gym for her. It met all of her requirements and allowed her to be comfortable working out whenever she was. It took some time to get to one, but it was worth it.

Getting Familiar With New Foods

Working out wasn’t the only thing that Lexi and Danny needed to do. Much of the change had to come from what they were consuming on the regular. It was important for them to make a major shift in their eating habits to see a result from their workouts. This was supposed to be extremely difficult for the couple to do, but they were able to manage it easily.

They shifted from eating out regularly to making home-cooked food at all times. They did not indulge in excessive eating, and focused on food that was good for both of their bodies.

The New Way Of Life

It is common for you to just call what these two were doing a diet. However, this is not what they were focused on. Diet seems like a temporary word, and these two were making quite permanent changes in their lifestyles. So, if you were to ask them whether this was a diet, they would have probably told you it wasn’t.

The whole situation was as shift in their entire lifestyle. So, you would find them to finding recipes of foods they loved, and making them using healthier methods. It was something that was going to prolong for their entire life, not just a small amount of time.

Continuous Support From Danny

It was evident that Lexi would not have been able to do this alone if Danny wasn’t in on this. The support the two received from one another was astounding as you wouldn’t see many couples this determined to help each other out. They were happy and making the right choices to be healthier in their lives.

Their support was able to encourage them to make the choices in the first place. Lexi knew of how supportive Danny was, and she knew he would always be there for her no matter what. This is all that was needed to turn things around for them.

Losing Weight And Making Friends

There were so many things that these two were doing when it came to losing weight. Not only were they following a healthier lifestyle, but they were also keen on making new friends as they went on about their lifestyle. Going to the gym was surely life changing for Lexi as she started doing things that were completely new to her.

Not only was she losing weight, but she was also making new friends where she was taking classes from. This was from the Pulse classes she had started taking. This only helped boost Lexi’s confident, and allowed her to be happier.

The Visible Results

We have to agree, it isn’t easy to lose weight quickly as it takes time to get rid of all of the fat in the body. But with Lexi’s determination, the results came faster than expected. She was able to reduce about 20 pounds in a month with her dedication and hard work.

There was no denying that what she was doing required a lot of effort. While it was easier to shed weight off initially, it became more difficult to do so over time. But she was always determined to fight through it and get the right results for herself.

Spotlight On Danny

Lexi wasn’t the only one who was enjoying this, her husband, Danny was also living his healthy life. While it was clear that Danny wasn’t as overweight as Lexi, he was still at 280 pounds, which was a lot. As soon as he started eating healthy and going to the gym, he instantly dropped a lot of weight.

The overall look for him was pretty great. He went down to 190 pounds, and was always ever-so supportive of his wife throughout the process as well. He kept fighting to lose weight alongside his wife, who was also determined to go down the scale further.

Lexi Turns Into A Completely Different Person

In 2018, it was clear that there was a lot of change to be found in Lexi’s body. But you would be surprised to see the amount of change that she manages to pull through. She went down to almost 312 pound after struggling with about 500 pounds. Isn’t that something?

While initially it wasn’t notable, it became quite prominent that she had lost a lot of weight. One of the more prominent ways she notices this was when her stomach stopped resting on tables at restaurants. This was one of the things she started noticing as she continued to lose weight.

Insta-Fame For Lexi

Tracking progress is essential for anyone who wishes to lose weight. For Lexi, she chose to use Instagram as a way to keep her motivated and ensure her progress as she went on with her health choices. Her Instagram account Fat Girl Fed Up got a lot of notice from people as they were all in awe of how determined she is to transform herself.

She was quick to gather over 750,000 followers on her Instagram, and from there, the number of people following her kept on increasing over time. It is easy to say that the girl has surely gotten famous in Instagram.

Getting More And More Famous

Once Lexi’s account on Instagram went viral, there was no stopping the couple from achieving greater things from achieving much more recognition across the world. They were able to get their stories across on different news channels. They were also features on an exclusive interview with Rachel Ray, talking about their healthy lifestyle and everything that followed.

Getting famous did not change much things for these two. They were always ever-so humble with how they were. More than that, their followers only gave them more support than ever to achieve what they have always wanted to in their lives.

Celebrating Achievements

Lexi and Danny had surely come a long way from where they initially started. This meant that they needed to celebrate how far they have come, and how they are going to continue living a happier and healthier life for themselves. To celebrate, Danny took Lexi to the beach spot where he proposed to her.

The entire evening was quite memorable as they were now much healthier than ever before. It gave them time to reflect on their achievements, and ensured that they were able to maintain them in the long run. She was happy that at least now, she would be able to run around at the beach.

Achieving Her Dream

Lexi had always wanted to go to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It had been a life-long dream of hers to be able to do something for herself like this. She couldn’t have done this earlier because of her weight issues, but she was able to do so now. She took a flight to Florida, and got to the place she had always wanted to go.

More than that, she was also able to sit on every ride the place had to offer. This was another milestone for the two of them. They were happy and excited to have achieved something that they always dreamed of achieving.

Getting Out Trapped Bodies

For her entire life, Lexi felt like she was always trapped by her body. She wasn’t able to do so many things because of her weight and the limitations it brought on her. Now, at a much healthier weight, she pulled through and was able to enjoy her life with a much better outlook.

Her entire change could easily be credited to the positive outlook she has always had in her life. When she was bigger and when she was at a healthier weight, one thing remained constant; her positive vibes and happiness. She is now even happier than she was before because of obvious reasons.

Constant Reflection

It is not easy for Lexi to forget her past this quickly. She always goes back to remembering how far she has really come along. While initially, it was difficult for her to move around much, she is now doing much better when it comes to her health. She is always open and sharing her stories on Instagram, and her fans love hearing her talk.

More than that, she reflects on how difficult it was to start with the whole process and how glad she is to have pushed through it all to make her life better. It is all about pushing yourself to start.

Making Smart Food Choices

If there is one thing that Lexi has done that is astonishing is that she hasn’t chosen any external ways to lose weight. She started from changing up what she consumed and focused on various ways to get exercise in throughout the day. Her consistent efforts has led to her seeing amazing results in such a short span.

She also documents all of the things she is eating and making for herself. Her followers are also always intrigued to know what she is up to in terms of what she is eating. She limits her carbs, lowers sodium consumption, and other various things.

Sharing All The Failures As Well

When you see Instagram models, you see that their lives are perfect from start to the end. But that is not what you will find on Lexi’s account. There is authenticity when it comes to what she offers her viewers or followers. She showcases the many struggles she has and how she overcomes them regularly.

She is not ashamed to show you the other side of things. So, when you think that everything is all sunny and bright, it isn’t always the case. Lexi will make sure you know what is really going on in her life and what she is struggling with.

Changing The Mental Stance

It is important to note that Lexi was able to showcase such a change because of her positive attitude throughout it all. She also talks about how important it is to focus on your mental health throughout the process. You cannot leave yourself to focus only on the physical aspect, and overlook your mental health.

You need to talk to yourself and reassure yourself that you are going to make it. More than the physical aspect, weight loss is about the mental aspect. You need to put yourself in the mind frame to be able to pull through it all.

Getting The First Concert T-Shirt

Sometimes, the littlest things can make a lot of different in your life. For instance, Lexi could never fit into t-shirts that she always wanted to wear. It was difficult for her as no one really made t-shirts for her size. When she was over 400 pounds, these small things affected her a lot, but she never let them get to her completely.

Now that she is much lighter than before, she is happy that she gets to fit into shirts that she never thought she would be able to. She was able to go on a Warped Tour’18 with her husband, Danny.

Overcoming Fears

There is nothing that this girl cannot do. Her goals was to lose her weight, and she did. Now, she is exploring many more things for herself. You will find her enjoying her life to the maximum, and ensuring that she gets the most out of it. While she wasn’t able to pursue many activities before because of her weight, she is determined to try it all.

She also wishes to overcome all of her fears one by one. She has gone kayaking to overcome her fear of lakes, and much more. Her focus is on improving the quality of her life rather than weight loss.

Challenging The Mind And Body

Lexi and Danny continue to go to the gym regularly to meet their goals. The focus on how it is not important to spend hours in the gym to have an effective work out. You can easily meet your goals by focusing on what you wish to achieve. The more focused you are in the first ten minutes, the more results you will see.

Going all hard without really focusing your brain to work with you on your body isn’t going to do much more you. You want to make sure you engage your body and your brain together while working out.

Find A Way To Work Out In Different Places

Lexi and Danny believe that they do not need to be restricted to the gym to only exercise. There are so many things that one can do to get out there and lose weight. Lexi understands how scary it can be to work out in front of other people. She always had issues with being able to work out in front of people at the gym.

Instead of confining yourself to the gym, you can head out and see what options you have out there. No reason for you to just stay in one place. Explore different hiking trails, and similar other adventures.

Changing Habits Is Essential

Lexi admits that sometimes it gets tough for her as well, and she loses her motivation to do get the exercise in. But this doesn’t mean she quits doing things altogether. Instead, she tries to mix things up so that she does not get bored of the same thing over and over again. This is why it is important to change things up for your mental peace.

Lexi learned how to wake up early and change her lifestyle even though she dreaded waking up early prior to this. Her determination allows her to make the changes, and so can you.

Making Every Meal Healthy

Most of the time, you will find that it gets difficult to change the way you eat, especially when you’re ordering out. This has more to do with the fact that the sides and sauces added aren’t the healthiest options out there for anyone. Lexi talks about how important it is to focus on making your meals healthier even if they are full of gluten.

Lexi always focuses on showcasing ways that you can make any meal healthy. Switch out different options, which will help you ensure that you are making the ideal choice when it comes to choosing your meals.

Danny’s Instagram

You should know that Lexi isn’t the only one who is focusing on getting healthier. Danny is also in the same game, and he is also running an Instagram account focused on weight loss and everything that comes with it. While his account isn’t as detailed and active as Lexi’s he still manages to get a lot of posts up.

He gives details of his workouts in his posts. For instance, in this one, he mentioned how he did biceps, triceps, and abs. These exercises were followed by a full back exercise. He is training full-time at the gym these days.

Super Lean Diet For Danny

Not only Lexi ensures that she is eating healthy, Danny is also highly focused on making sure he is taking on a super lean diet. He focuses on being creative with his meals, and shares his recipes with his followers on Instagram. The two come together and ensure that things are clean and healthy for them in all means.

The best thing about their meals is that they don’t sacrifice the flavors for the meal to be healthy. The make use of delicious sauces, herbs, and mixes to ensure that they are flavorful for them to enjoy while they eat.

On Staying Together

If there is one thing that has remained constant throughout their journey of weight loss, it is their love for each other. They have been able to make sure that they support each other and work towards their goals while also helping each other throughout.

Their life together now is much different than when they started out. But that hasn’t changed anything when it comes to how they feel about each other. They are determined to become healthier for themselves and one another for as long as possible. They are a true example of how you can achieve anything you want to.

