Weird Yet Surprisingly Exotic Foods From Around the World


Food is one of the most important parts of any culture. If you want to fully experience a region’s culture then you have to try the local food. When you are traveling to other areas around the world, you may come across food items that look weird to you but are exquisitely exotic in the local area. This is not an exaggeration. Some of these food items may sound extremely weird to you. We have gathered a list of 50 such weird foods. So check out our list below and think which one would you be willing to try.

Frog Legs (France)

We are going to start the list with frog legs. This tells you how weird this list is going to be. Frog legs are eaten in many different parts of the world. However they are most common in France. Their taste is like a mixture between fish and chicken and the texture is like chicken wings. Even though the taste isn’t that bad, it’s the idea that you are eating frog legs which grosses many people out. This is why only the most adventurous travelers dare to try this food.

Big Butt Ants – Hormigas Culonas (Colombia)

If you are visiting Colombia anytime soon then this is one delicacy you should definitely try. Hormigas Culonas translates to big butt ants. They are quite popular in Colombia. Their taste isn’t that good however they are filled with proteins. Most of the people who have tasted them say that they taste like dirt. They are roasted before eating which gives them a crunchy texture. One of the most amazing thing about bug butt ants is that each of the ants is handpicked. They may not be a food for the dinner table but they make for an amazing snack.

Cuy Guinea Pig (Ecuador)

Guinea Pigs are usually kept as pets so it can be hard for some people to try this dish. However if you are in an exotic restaurant in Ecuador then you should definitely check for Cuy on the menu. Cuy Guinea Pig tastes like a mixture of pork and rabbit. The entire Guinea Pig is roasted and served as it is. You can even see the teeth on your roasted Guinea Pig. Travelers love the taste and texture of Cuy Guinea pigs.

Casu Marzu (Italy)

Casu Marzu literally translates to rotten cheese. It is also known as maggot cheese and is quite popular in Sardinia, Italy. It has a strong taste so people who prefer to eat light flavored cheese may not like it. Holes are placed in the cheese and left outside where flies lay their eggs in the holes. When the eggs hatch, the larvae starts eating the cheese and that is when the pecorino cheese turns to Casu Marzu. It is eaten when the maggots are still alive so this cheese is not for the faint-hearted.

Balut Egg (Philippines)

Balut eggs are 2 to 3 week old duck embryo. They are quite popular in the Philippines. The embryo is eaten straight from the egg shell. A small cut is made in the egg shell for the broth. You have to sip the broth through this cut. Many people like the broth as it tastes like chicken soup. After that comes the hard part. When you start eating the embryo you can feel the bones and feathers of the duck. As it is still an embryo the bones have a very soft texture. When you are done with the soft bones, then comes the yolk which also tastes great. It is definitely a unique experience and if you ever head down to the Philippines then you should definitely try this at least once.

Century Egg, China

The next weird dish on our list is the century egg from China. Century eggs are also known as Pidan or hundred-year eggs. These eggs look just like rotten eggs. While most people would be tempted to throw away these rotten eggs, there are people in China that eat them with utmost delight. They are prepared by covering them in clay, salt, and ash. They are then left to rot for months. In the meantime, their yolk turns dark green and stinks a lot. Yet, people still eat it. Weird, right?

Locust Bugs (Myanmar)

Locust bugs can be easily found in different markets in Myanmar. Apparently, the locals love it however it is not something travelers like to enjoy. These are fried locusts that can be hard to chew. When you bite on one of these a gooey fluid from the inside of the bug bursts in your mouth. This can be a very gross feeling for some. Not to mention the taste of the locust bugs is really bad.

Giant Ant Eggs & Raspberry in Laos

You can find this dish in some of the more upscale restaurants in Laos. Giant ant eggs don’t have a strong taste however adding raspberry sorbet makes it worthwhile. The dish itself has a very crunchy texture and once you put the eggs in your mouth, they burst open and the creamy liquid from inside the eggs pour out from the eggs into your mouth. It has a very sweet taste and is usually served as a dessert.

Live Octopus (Korea)

We have all had the urge to fight off food cravings however in the case of Sannakji (Live Octopus) you will have to fight off your food itself. You may be grossed out by it but travelers who actually try it tend to like it. The Octopus isn’t exactly alive. It is chopped up and seasoning is added for taste while the tentacles still wiggle on your plates. It is a unique experience. The taste is great and the texture is slightly crunchy and chewy.

Crocodile Meat Curry (Cambodia)

This is one of the most popular and loved dish in Cambodia. There aren’t many places on the planet where you can eat crocodiles. However in Cambodia you can get your teeth around some amazing crocodile based dishes. Crocodile Amok is loved by both locals and travelers. It has a soupy and creamy texture. It tastes like chicken but slightly better and more exotic. Once you try it, you will definitely want to try it again. So if you are ever in Cambodia, try this amazing dish, because you may not be able to get your hands on anything similar to this in most of the other parts of the world.

Basashi (Japan)

Japan has a range of very exotic cuisines in the world. When we think about Japanese cuisine the first thing that comes to mind is Sushi. However once you visit the country you understand that the country has a range of other amazing yet weird cuisines as well. For examples Basashi which is raw horse meat. It is a very tender dish and travelers love it. As it is such a delicacy, the Basashi is comparatively expensive than most of the other common dishes found in the Japanese restaurants and markets.

Morcilla Blood Sausage (Spain)

Morcilla blood sausages are made with cooked pork blood. The sausage is very dark in color however it tastes great. The dish is made with blood which may disgust many people however once you try it you are bound to try it again. The sausages have a very creamy texture. Rice and onions are also added in the blood to make them taste even better.

Fried Insect Bugs (Thailand)

Eating Fried Insect Bugs in Thailand market adventurous food

Another insect related dish on our list. You can find fried insect dishes all over South East Asia however fried insects in Thailand are very popular throughout the world. You can find an entire market near the famous Platinum Mall in Bangkok. You can find a range of different insects being fries and sold there. If you have never tried an insect before then this might gross you out however once you try insects from this market you may want to keep on trying them. As there are so many different insects available in this market, describing the taste and texture can be tricky. Some are crunchier while others are soft. However they all taste great.

Coconut Worms (Vietnam)

Eating Coconut silk worms in cup vietnam weird exotic food

Packages coconut worms can be found in supermarkets throughout Vietnam. These worms are basically beetle larvae that grow inside a coconut. The coconut isn’t edible anymore after this however the worms are. They are a delicacy in Vietnam and are loved by both the local and travelers. They can be fried however some people even like to eat them raw. It is also believed that they can enhance a man’s sexual ability. This is also a reason many people from all over Vietnam buy these coconut worms.

Ox head in Oman

eating shuwa ox head oman weird food

Don’t get intimidated by the Ox head. You might think it is weird however once you try this weird yet juicy food you might just fall in love with it. The Ox head is marinated with spices, cooked and then eaten as a delicacy. The ox head is slow cooked for two days like other meat in Oman. This way of preparing meat is known as Shuwa in Oman. It is one of the most delicious dishes you will ever taste. It’s not just about the ox head but the way it is cooked and the spices that are used, all add up to the taste of the dish.

Rats in India

Roasted rats in India strange food around the world

If you have ever visited India or you have Hindu friends, you would know that they are mostly vegetarians. However rat roast is something that is very commonly eaten in tribes in Northeast India. It has a rubbery texture however the roast tastes like chicken. Rat roast is usually cooked when there is a tribal festival or even a small family gathering. Salt and chili is added to the roast for taste. Even though it tastes like chicken some people just can’t think about putting a rat in their mouth.

Chicken Breast Dessert – Turkey

Tavuk Gögsü chicken breast pudding

We all know Turkey is most famous for its baklava dessert. However, another famous dessert that does not get much international recognition is this Chicken Breast Dessert. It consists of rice, shredded chicken breast, and milk and is known as Tavuk Gogsu.

It is a delicious treat for people that love milky desserts, as you can feel the milky texture throughout. It dates back to the Ottoman time and is a famous delicacy throughout Turkey. If you love milk and chicken, you will love this too.

It is a weird food for some people, but you will know why Turkish people love it when you take a bite.

Grilled Tarantulas – Siem Reap

Tasting Tarantulas Siem Riep adventurous food

1/4th of the world’s population eats critters, and the people of Siem Reap are no exception. For example, grilled tarantulas are a delicacy that the locals love to indulge in. Firstly, because they are tasty, and secondly, because they take fewer resources such as water to cook.

Don’t worry. These critters don’t taste like insects at all. When you take a bite, you will realize it almost tastes like barbecued chicken. Of course, the legs are crunchier and crispy than any chicken piece.

If you want to try something weird yet delicious, grilled tarantulas are an ideal choice.

Tuna Eyeballs – Japan

EATING Tuna Eyeballs Japan unusual strange food world

Fish eyes are not a recent creation. Since the nineties, people have been eating them, and they are widely popular in Eastern Asia and Japan. That is why you will find tuna eyeballs present in all grocery stores.

While they may not look too appetizing, they don’t taste too bad. Their taste closely resembles that of a boiled egg. You can also pair them with other sides to enhance the flavor of this further.

People in Japan consume these regularly. They are not a delicacy but a part of the local food and culture. If you want to embrace the same, don’t forget to try these.

Exotic Street Food – China

Eating Exotic chinese street food in China

China has one of the best street food scenes in the entire world. You will find the weirdest and most delicious foods in these streets. For example, you can find scorpions, octopuses, deep-fried sheep penis, and roasted critters such as centipedes.

Not all dishes are Chinese delicacies, but tourists love to take photos of them regardless. If you love having adventurous and weird food, you will love taking a stroll in this street and trying all the delicious food. From seafood to insects and critters, you will find anything and everything. It is an adventurous food lover’s dream come true.

Brain Curry – India

eatin Brain strange unusual odd disgusting food around the world

You will find brain curry everywhere in India. It is one of the most loved foods by the locals. If you have never had it, you will find the texture weird than most foods out there.

It is undoubtedly an acquired taste that you will have to get used to. But, once you do, you will love it and get hooked to it in no time. According to the locals, brain curry has many benefits for your body and health.

Apart from samosas, chaat, and paav bhaaji, the brain curry is a must-try dish for all tourists. It will pique your interest.

Beondegi Silkworms – South Korea

Eating Beondegi Silkworms in South Korea strange food

These are also known as grilled silkworms and are a famous delicacy in South Korea. You will find it on the streets and at every festival as it is a widely popular food. These silkworms are grilled in a wok and served on toothpicks in a cup.

The taste is quite unique, and you will detect these silkworms by the smell on any street. They have a distinct smell that can be detected from a mile away. If you have never had it, it is going to take some time to get used to it.

Flying Fox – Vanuatu

Flying Fox Dish plate Vanuatu

Flying foxes are a delicacy in some parts of Australia, and it is mostly not served to tourists. Only one or two restaurants have it on their menu to give to tourists. The taste is not strong, and it might taste like game meat or chicken.

There are many small bones too in the meat, which is why you need to know the proper technique to eat it. But, of course, after COVID-19, not many people want to risk eating flying foxes. However, you can always try them once if you dare to.

Purple Blue Tacos – Mexico

eating Blue Purple Tacos Mexico food weird

Who doesn’t love tacos? This Mexican street food is one of the most famous foods out there with hundreds of variations. Corn varieties in Mexico come in lots of colors, and purple is one of them.

When in Mexico, stop and try these tacos. You will find many in blue tortilla shells too. It has a strong and unique taste that you will come to love. The locals love all corn varieties and all the flavors.

That is because each presents a unique taste you will not find anywhere else. After all, corn is a staple growing item in Mexico.

Green Rum – Curacao

Green Rum Ròm Bèrdè Curacao weird drink

Green rum is a lesser-known Caribbean delicacy creates from spices and herbs. The prominent flavor is anise, so you will love it if you are fond of this flavor. It was invented in the 50s and has been widely popular since then.

The green drink is available in many bars, and you will love to indulge in this flavor. It can be served as a shot or with coconut or on the rocks depending on your preference and taste. There are various options to choose from for you. So when in Curacao, don’t forget to taste this green rum.

Pequi – Brazil

Pequi fruit plate brasil strange weird food

Brazil is the hub of fruits. Pequi is a yellow-orange fruit. The unique part about this fruit is that it is always cooked and never eaten raw. Keep in mind that the pit has many sharp spines sticking out.

That is why it is always recommended that you ask how to eat this fruit before indulging in it. You will be taught the right way to savor them, so the spines don’t hurt you. Once you know the right way, you will love this fruit as it is the most delicious. After all, if you don’t try fruit in Brazil, you are living wrong.

The Exquisite Camel Patty Burger, Morocco

One of the more popular food items that you will find in Morocco is items made using came meat. Camel patty burgers are known to be quite exquisite and have a delicious taste. They are paired up with the regular onions, tomatoes, and lettuce, like you would find in every other burger.

Camel meat is known to be quite expensive, so you will find that you will have to pay a heavy price to consume this dish. You will also find a range of variations when it comes to these camel patty burgers when it comes to the sauces and fillings that they come with.

High Protein From Mopan Worms South Africa

There is a popularly known fact that worms hold a high level of protein in them. That is why you will find that the Mopan worms are quite a common food item in South Africa. These are not the best looking food item, but you will find that they offer a high level of protein, which is essential for human intake.

When it comes to the taste, you should know that they are quite salty in terms of flavor. When it comes to the texture, that is a whole different story. They are extremely crunchy when served fried or dried. But they can also be eaten raw.

The Durian Fruit South East Asia

When you hear of the Durian fruit, there are always two responses by consumers; they either love it or hate it. It has a distinct taste and smell, so it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Almost every other person will have a difference experience when trying this fruit.

The spiky from the outside but soft from the inside fruit is surrounded by quite the controversy. It is banned in many public places and hotels. So, you will not find people having this commonly on the street or anywhere other than confined areas. That has more to do with the smell it has.

Mexican Grasshoppers, Also Known As Chapulines

Mexican cuisine is quite vast, so you will find all sorts of food items in it. What you will be surprised to see is the consumption of fried grasshoppers. That is right, you read grasshoppers. They are mainly sold after being friends and seasons with salt and other spices. It has quite the flavor.

You will find that Chapulines, the name for the Mexican grasshoppers, are commonly found in tacos and it is entirely possible to have a taco with this as the base meat. It has a crunchy and crispy texture, and you will find that the grasshopper legs are sure to get stuck between your teeth.

Sour Pickled Swallows Laos

Another weird food item that you will find is the sour picked swallows of Laos. These are considered to be one of the most exotic food items for you to try. A unique thing about these are that these are only made seasonally. So, you will not find them to be available all year round.

The small birds are caught as they migrate in huge flocks during the August and September seasons. Thus, you will find them available during this time. The feathers are removed from these birds, and then they are fermented, then friend for consumption. You will also find these available in stew form.

The Hot Vit Lon Vietnam

You might have heard of the balut egg, which is a developing bird embryo that people consume. Well, the Hot Vit Lon is just a step behind this. You will find that this version of the duck’s egg is left to fertilize for only 15 days before it is consumed.

So, you will find that the yolk has a distinct taste and it isn’t all bad when it comes to the flavor. But you should know that this isn’t the choice for everyone as people tend to have a gag reflex after having this form of egg. If you’re an adventurer when it comes to eating, you should surely try it.

The Mexican Jungle Rat Featuring Its Feces

People try a lot of things from all over the place. One such food item is from a small village in Mexico, which is referred to as the Mexican Jungle Rat. You will find that eating rodents is quite common in many locations, so the fact that this rodent is consumed shouldn’t surprise you.

The real fascinating this is that the rodent is made without removing its feces from its insides. So, you will find that the when you cut up the meat from this, you get to see the feces cooked up of the rodent as well. The taste might not be great, but it is considered a traditional meal in the village.

Tripe Soup With Vegetables Nicaragua

Tripe soup is made using the stomach lining of a range of animals. While it does sound like it won’t taste great, the opposite holds true. The Tripe soup is a favorite in the region of Nicaragua. The way it is made is quite great as it incorporates the use of multiple vegetables and fruits, such as bananas.

While the broth and the flavor of the soup is quite pleasant, you will find that when you get to the stomach lining, it has quite a distinct flavor. It is going to be chewy and a little difficult to eat, but with the other flavors in the soup, you will be able to have it.

One Of A Kind Escargots Snails France

Snails are commonly eaten at a lot of different locations, especially in France. These are considered a delicacy in many region, and you need to know the manners to eat escargot properly. You get a snail fork and tong that you need to use to eat the escargots snails. So, make sure that you practice beforehand.

While the snails don’t really have a flavor of their own, you will find that they mimic the flavor of whatever they are cooked in. Typically, you will find that these are made using garlic, butter, herbs, and other similar ingredients. They are quite popular also.

The Tacacá Spicy Dried Shrimp Soup Brazil

Rio De Janeiro is popular for a range of food items that it has to offer travelers from around the world. If you’re looking to have something spicy and delicious, then this meal is surely going to knock the socks off you. The Tacacá is a popular soup in the region and is surely at the spicy end.

You will not be able to feel your mouth after having this. To feel the numbing effect, you will need to chew leaves present in the soup for the full sensation. It comprises dried shrimp, jambu plant leaves, and peppers. It is not for those who can’t have spicy soup.

Dried And Salted Flying Lizards Hong Kong

Hong Kong is known to offer you a range of unique and exotic foods to try from. If you’re a foodie who wishes to try out different things, then this is the place to be. The region is famous for the dried and salted flying lizards that it has to offer travelers and more.

You will find that the lizards are flattened out, dried, and then attached to the sticks for selling. These are perhaps one of the more common snacks you will find in Hong Kong. It is also said to be quite a concoction with tea to cure respiratory issues.

Snake Sausage With Full Nutrition (Cambodia and Laos)

You have probably consumed a range of barbeque items on the regular. But you have probably never has barbequed snakes! These are quite the popular barbeque item in Cambodia and Laos. The snakes are coated in different sauces and then added to the grill.

You will find that these often taste similar to chicken, but everyone has a different idea about them. These are a common street food in Cambodia, but are surely a unique and exotic item everywhere else in the world. They crisp and nutritious meat of the snake is surely a great addition to your food palate, so don’t ignore it when you’re going to these locations.

Haggis, Scotland

If you’re in Scotland, then you will have to try their quite exquisite dish called Haggis. You might find the process to be a little concerning since it uses the lining of a sheep’s stomach to stew. Other than that, the taste of the dish is quite phenomenal and you’re sure to enjoy it with the side dishes that you get with this.

The dish is made using the organs of a sheep, which are minced to small bits. Along with this, it incorporates seasonings, spices, and oats to be stored inside the stomach lining for hours. Find these served with turnips and potatoes.

Duck Tongues, Singapore

You might have commonly heard about having duck eggs, balut, and similar items. But have you ever heard about eating duck tongues? We don’t think so. This is perhaps one of the most exquisite dishes that you can try, and these are pretty common in Singapore.

The tongues are often fried like you would bacon, and served in a range of ways. You can fry the duck tongues or even sauté them with different sauces to bring about various flavors from it. It has multiple fat pockets, so you will find the duck tongues to be quite flavorsome when cooked.

Fried Chicken Feet (Asia, Africa and South America)

Chicken feet are quite common when it comes to Asia, South America, and African regions. These are known to be quite a staple street food in China and other Asian countries. These are quite delightful if they are cooked properly. You will find that these will be available in a range of bases.

Chicken feet can be fried, dried, turned into soup, and whatnot. Each of the variations is quite unique and will come with a different flavor. These are also available in stores as dried snacks, so you will find these pretty accessible in many locations. Try them to expand your taste.

Shirago, Japan


In Japanese, Shirako means White Children. It is a weird-looking dish that is prepared using the sperm sacs of puffer, cod, or angler fish. If you look closely at the dish, it will resemble miniature brains or a blob of goo. Shirako is known to have a sweet taste just like custard. While some people would not even want to look at it twice, many people in the world would do anything just to taste this dish. An interesting fact about Shirako is that it is supposed to possess many health benefits as well. So, if you haven’t tried it yet, you should definitely add it to your list.

Boshingtan, Korea

Boshintang dog meat soup from South Korea

Boshingtan is an incredibly healthy soup that is served in Korea. The soup is prepared using spring onions, spices, dandelions. The most important ingredient in this soup is the meat used in it. The chefs use dog meat in the preparation of Boshingtan. While a lot of people may hesitate to have a soup that is prepared using dog meat, it is the favorite soup of a lot of Koreans. Though it is not as popular in Korea today as it was before, you will still find a lot of Korean restaurants serving this weird and exotic soup.

White Ant Egg Soup, Laos

Weird Food: White ant eggs soup, a specialty in Laos

White ant egg soup is the world’s most unusual soup that is prepared in Laos. The soup is prepared by combining the white ant eggs and their embryos. If this doesn’t shock you then you are in for a huge surprise. A few baby ants are also added to the soup to give it a sour taste. If you can handle the weird ingredients of the soup, then the flavor is supposed to be quite tasty. It tastes just like shrimp. So, if you are not allergic to the ingredients of the soup, then you should definitely give it a try once.

Jellied Moose Nose, Canada

Weird Food: Jelly Meat

The name of this dish is weird enough to be included in our list of weirdest foods. The nose is definitely not the first choice of people when it comes to eating. But, this has not stopped the adventurous people of Canada from making a dish out of it. The dish is first boiled with onions and spice. The chef then removes the hair from the nose and then boils it some more. When it is boiled enough, it is then sliced and covered with a broth. No way are we ever going to taste it. Will you?

Airag, Mongolia

Big pot of airag - fermented mare's milk, traditional national beverage of Mongolia

There is no denying the fact that Mongolia has a lot of weird and exotic dishes to offer to its citizens. But, Airag is one of the worth mentioning dishes here. To be precise, Airag is a glass full of fermented horse milk. While a lot of people may think that drinking horse milk is rather weird and unusual, this is definitely not the case with Mongolians. Instead, they drink the horse milk with utmost pleasure. The mare’s milk in the Airag is fermented into a slightly sour alcoholic liquid. Traditionally, it is served chilled in gatherings in a cup that is shaped just like a bowl.

Muktuk, Greenland

Muktuk, a fresh whale meat in Greenland © Chris Christophersen/Shutterstock

Muktuk is a slice of traditional meat in Greenland that consists of frozen whale skin and blubber. It is served as both raw and pickled. It is completely up to you to decide whether you want to eat it raw or pickled. Only an incredibly daring person can think of trying the frozen whale skin and blubber raw. This weird-looking dish resembles a bit like licorice. Additionally, the dish has several layers of skins as well. An interesting thing about this weird-looking snack is that it is a really good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

Stargazey Pie, England

Stargazey Pie, England

The name of this dish does not depict anything weird in it, right? It just looks like a simple pie that is made in the shape of a star. But, this is not entirely true. In reality, there is a great history behind it. This dish is served every year on 23rd December on Tom Bawcock’s Eve. According to history, this heroic sailor sailed o a high storm in December to feed his hungry tribe and returned with this big catch. This is why people eat Stargazey Pie every year in his loving memory.

Hakarl, Iceland


How anyone ever thought of preparing Hakarl in Iceland is a fact that still remains a mystery to all of us. But no matter how the dish was invented, the important thing to know is that today, it is the national dish of Iceland. It is prepared by gutting and beheading a Greenland shark and placing it in a grave. The grave where it is placed is extremely shallow and is mostly covered with stones and pebbles. The shark remains in the grave for two or three months and is served after it. Well, if you are trying it for the first time then we would suggest you hold your nose first. Otherwise, there is a high chance that you will gag.

Salo, Ukraine

Salo, Ukraine

While a lot of people prefer keeping a bit of fat on their meat, Ukraine went a step ahead and decided to eat the entire piece of fat. Yes, that’s right! Salo is another weird and exotic dish that is made into slabs. You will be surprised to know that is smoked and left in a cellar for at least a year before being served to the people. Most of the people usually eat it with rye bread that is extremely thin and sliced. Some people even prefer to eat it raw.
