Why You Should Add More Garlic to Your Diet-And How to Do It


Garlic isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (pun intended-you’ll see what I mean later), but did you know that it has some serious health benefits?  Garlic has a distinct smell and taste that you can pick out from a mile away.  Along with that taste comes several benefits, especially during the winter months.

Why you should eat more garlic

Believe it or not, the benefits of garlic have been known for some time.  Centuries before, many doctors of the time would use it in their ancient medicines.  Today, we have more advanced medicine, but there are still plenty of benefits to natural remedies.

It is more important now than ever before to watch out for our immune system, and garlic is a natural herb that can help us.  It actually contains vitamin C, which if you’re like me, is something you’ve doubled up on consuming.  It’s also been known to repair damaged cells that are caused by chemicals within our body. Garlic also contains a natural chemical called Allicin, which can help lower cholesterol. 

Along with health benefits, many people have noticed that eating garlic helps them to be warmer in the wintertime.  This is because garlic helps build up the natural strength your body possesses.

Even if you don’t like garlic, there are ways, like supplements that you can still get it.  If you do enjoy it, below are a couple of ways to try it.

Eating garlic raw

I realize this does sound less than exciting, especially if you don’t enjoy the taste, but I promise there is a reason to do so.  Garlic will actually loose portions of these health benefits when it is cooked.  Allicin is the main thing it loses so if you’re adding more garlic to your meals in the hopes of lowering your blood pressure, then unfortunately you aren’t doing yourself much good. 

If you’re taking it raw, the best thing to do is to take it on an empty stomach so that the other food you’ve consumed doesn’t absorb the oils. 

If this option really doesn’t appeal to you, then check out the recipes below.

Garlic Tea

Nothing makes a cold day better than a warm cup of tea.  Garlic tea is easy to make, and it still carries most of the main benefits.  For example, some of the lost allicin can still be found in the water.  To make garlic tea, add one clove of garlic to a pot of water and let it boil.  It’s recommended you add cinnamon (which has its own benefits).  Other things you can add to dress up the tea include honey and lemon juice.  However, you drink your tea, don’t be afraid to make it your own.

Garlic Stew

Below is a little recipe that adds garlic and preserves its health benefits.

  • 1 chicken breast (chopped)
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 4 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 1 onion
  • 4 peppercorns, 1 tsp parsley
  • 1 in. ginger root (minced)
  • 3 cups water

You can multiply the recipe as needed for your family.  Add these ingredients to a pressure cooker for an amazing sew.

Garlic is something that should be on everyone’s menu this winter, and there are some great ways to get it on yours.
