Why You Should Be Eating Broccoli-And A Great Recipe to Do So


When we are children, we seem to have a natural distaste for vegetables.  We didn’t like them.  We refused to touch them, and lord help the adult who tried to make us eat them.  Our distance for other vegetables was small compared to how many children seem to hate broccoli. 

Broccoli is the favorite of few and disliked by many, especially young children.  As much as we don’t want to eat the green food, we should. 

The benefits to eating broccoli are huge.  They have numerous vitamins, including A, C, E, K, and multiple types of vitamin B.  Proper vitamins are more important than ever right now, especially vitamin C.  That isn’t all that broccoli has to offer.  Its properties can also help with heart health, your eyesight, and it contains certain cancer fighting minerals.  It also helps protect you from a few different types of cancer as well.

Seems like a lot of benefits for one vegetable, especially one so disliked.  That is why it’s immensely important to have in our (and our children’s) diet. 

Now, you may be thinking “but I don’t really like broccoli that much” or “My child doesn’t understand the importance of these vitamins and nothing I do can make them eat it.”  First of all, you aren’t alone.  Second off, while you might not enjoy broccoli on its own, there are many other ways to get it into your diet.  Try steaming some and adding chicken or try adding it to fried rice or stir fry.

In the wintertime, you can always turn broccoli into a hearty soup.

What’s a good way to get broccoli in soup? 

The recipe below tastes fabulous and you will enjoy it a lot!

  • 3 cups broccoli
  • 4 Tbsp butter
  • 2 medium sized onions
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • black pepper as desired
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 Tbsp fresh cream
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • salt as desired

The first thing to do is wash and chop all of the vegetables including the broccoli, onions, and potatoes.  In a deep pan (one big enough to hold ALL the ingredients) start with the onions.  Cook them down and then add the potatoes and butter. 

Cook the potatoes and stir in the butter so that all of the vegetables are coated in it.  Once this part has been completed, add in your vegetable broth.  Bring the entire pot to a boil and then add in your broccoli.  Once the broccoli is cooked, add your contents to the blender.  The ingredients should still be hot (make sure your blender will be able to blend hot items). 

Add in your cream, salt, and pepper and blend the items into a puree.  This recipe is best served hot.

This recipe makes a total of four servings and you can multiply it as needed.  It makes a good starter or side dish, and it can be used as the main course too!

I guarantee you and you family will enjoy this!
