10 Usual Products That Will Make You Live Longer


Your health and longevity are directly related to what you eat. Here are 10 typical products, packed with useful materials to help you extend your lifespan and avoid cancer and other diseases. Eat them more often!

  1. Broccoli

A 10-year study of 47,909 people published by the Harvard School of Public Health showed a direct relationship between calciferous vegetable consumption and the development of bladder cancer.


A meta-analysis of 87 studies found that broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables reduced the risk of cancer. Just 10 grams of vegetables a day can increase your chances of never getting cancer. Another study showed that just two servings of broccoli a day reduced the risk of cancer by 50%. Why is broccoli so effective in preventing cancer? This cabbage contains sulforaphane and indole — substances with anti-cancer activity.


  1. Salmon

Not only salmon but also sardines and tuna are also rich in omega-3 vitamin. If you want to prevent various cardiovascular diseases from affecting you, then you should eat this fish more often..


  1. Water

Drinking enough water a day can help reduce your risk of blood clots. It also helps you feel younger and maintain high energy levels.


  1. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries — all these berries are rich in antioxidants that protect the body from the oxidative effects of free radicals and help prevent age-related diseases.


In 2012, researchers at Harvard University found that just one serving of blueberries and two servings of strawberries per week helped prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging.


  1. Garlic

Pennsylvania centenarian Nancy Fisher, aged 107, believes she lives this long because of her love of garlic. She may be right. Research by the National Cancer Institute found that phytochemical in garlic inhibit the formation of carcinogens. Also, people who consume garlic more often have a reduced risk of colon cancer.


  1. Olive oil

Olive oil has an extremely beneficial effect on the health and elasticity of the skin; the fats in olive oil support the well-being of the heart and brain and protects them from cancer. Lisa Drayer, nutritionist and author of the book The Beauty Diet: Looking Great Has Never Been So Delicious, claims that women who consume olive oil have smoother, healthier skin.


  1. Beans

Beans contain 21% protein, 77% complex carbohydrates, and are high in fiber and nutrients. Beans are an essential part of the Blue Zone diet, the places with the most centenarians.


  1. Red wine

A small amount of red wine reduces stress, which is good for the entire body. Blue Zone people drink on average one to three glasses of wine a day.


  1. Coffee

Yes, your morning dose of caffeine can extend your life! A 2008 Harvard University study found that women who drank three cups of coffee a day were 18% less likely to die from the disease compared to those who did not drink coffee.

The benefits of coffee were confirmed by another study conducted at the National Institutes of Health in 2012. The researchers controlled various factors, smoking, alcohol, red meat consumption, and found that people of both sexes who drink coffee live longer.


  1. Dark Chocolate

A 1999 Harvard University study with 8,000 men showed the effect of dark chocolate on life expectancy. It turned out that participants who consumed dark chocolate three times a month lived a year longer than those who did not.
















