All You Need To Know About Creating Sustainable And Healthier Snacks


Females are changing how the industries work in a myriad of ways. Take Sara Roberts as an example. She has focused on created snacks that are not only healthy for humans, but they are also great for the environment. How did this come about? Well, there was a time when Sara was getting herself a snack from a vending machine in the hospital. The only options available here were junk; chips, fizzy drinks, and sugary items. Now, how is one supposed to eat healthy when this is all that is provided, that too at a hospital. 

The Establishment Of Healthy Nibbles

Her concern for health for humans and the world grew, which led her to establish her business, Healthy Nibbles in 2015. The business was received pretty well by others as it on its way to make a revenue for over £1.5 million. This is pretty great when considering that the business started less than ten years ago. Her goals have changed since the inception of the business as she doesn’t only want to focus on providing healthy snacks to people. Instead, she also wants to make sure that the process of attaining, creating, and selling these snacks is centered around sustainability. 

Sustainability: The Main Goal

The founders goal is more towards ensuring sustainability now with her healthy snacks more than anything else. She focuses on going green and helping other brans understand the importance of doing the same. She is looking forward to the Climate Change Conference (COP26) hosted in the UK to use the platform and raise more awareness among the general public. Doing so will cause a major change in the consumers mindsets as they will be able to focus on purchasing and moving forward more sustainably. 

The founder is not only all-talk. She makes sure she sees it through. The packaging for her business have changed to plastic-free ones, to follow through with her goals of becoming more sustainable. 

A More Mindful Organization

There is focus on ensuring that the business is more mindful about its decisions and processes. There are actions taken to ensure that they limit their carbon footprint. The goal is to reduce as much carbon emission as possible by choosing sustainable options that work for the business. Throughout this, she understands that business can’t work alone, therefore, appreciates all of the help she has gotten to get her business to where it is now. There is constant need or support to make changes which result to bigger impacts. The support she has gotten is immense. 

Key Advice For Other Businesses 

While talking about her business and all of the feats that she has accomplished, she also mentions how there are a few advices that business owners must start following to ensure that business is run more efficiently than before. One of the major advices offered is putting sustainability at the top. With this at the forefront, it will be easier to make changes in the entire process. Along with this, there is a need to learn how to win, get the right guidance, and being persistent.
