Chicken Kiyv


If you’re wondering what Chicken Kiev is, just know that it’s crumbed and fried chicken stuffed with molten state garlic butter. Completely traditional, completely simple yet genuinely amazing, and possibly the most acceptable use of chicken breast ever!

How do you ensure that the melted butter stays securely packed inside? Partially freeze the chicken to ensure that it is kept safe. It is exactly as simple as it appears.

Goods that have been filled are incredible. Dumplings. Profiteroles. Samosas. The anticipation of cutting something that appears so ordinary on the outside to reveal something deliciously excellent on the inside is similar to unwrapping a tempting birthday gift.

Chicken Kiev is unquestionably the king of all pre-packaged chicken meals in our world! This Russian beauty is incredible when stuffed with garlic butter. A stream of melted butter flows from the meat across your plate as you cut through that crispy, breadcrumb shell and into the succulent chicken meat — it’s a heart-stopping joy to which few things in this world can compare.

Chicken Kiev: What exactly is it made up of


Here’s all you need to prepare the garlic butter that goes into Chicken Kiev:

  • Butter– Of course! Softened and unsalted;
  • Garlic– Delicately chopped with a knife or using a garlic crusher;
  • Salt; and
  • Parsley, coarsely diced

And here’s everything you need to prepare the crumbed chicken:

  • Chicken Breast
  • Panko breadcrumbs
  • Egg and Flour

How to prepare Chicken Kiev




  • Mix the melted butter with salt, parsley, and garlic till blended;
  • Put butter onto baking paper into a 10 x 6cm / 4 x 2.3″ rectangle. It doesn’t need to be flawless; approximately is acceptable!
  • Refrigerate till hard, then cut evenly into 2 pieces.




  • Pound chicken by sandwiching a breast of chicken between two freezer bags (or using “Go-Between” freeze film, as I do). Place the presentation side of the chicken down to keep it nice and flat.
  • Smash the chicken with a meat mallet, truncheon, or other tool until it is 0.5cm / 0.2′′ thick. In a perfect society, you would get an outstanding rectangular shape. However, the world is not perfect. So, if you’re like me, you’ll end up with a jumbled mess and an odd shape, which is also OK.
  • Just be careful not to rip the bird. But just don’t panic, and when you do, we’ll patch to fix it up and continue all of that wonderful beautiful golden herbed butter within!
  • Salt and fill the chicken breast: Sprinkle the chicken breast with salt and black pepper. Next, in the middle, place a butter baton;
  • Wrap: Fold the sides together. Then, starting from the bottom, coil the chicken like a log.
  • Continue with both the seam facing constantly to force this all together.
  • Wrap in cling wrap, pressing the ends together to form a log; and
  • Refrigerate for thirty min to partially stiffen the chicken for easy movement while covering with breadcrumbs and ensuring the chicken stays tight to limit the risk of butter leakage.