Five Mind-Blowing Facts About Turmeric


Turmeric is a fantastic spice that has been around for thousands of years. It’s used extensively in cuisines worldwide, and its color has made it very popular for home decorating. However, it has recently been discovered to have many health benefits. It can help with everything from acne and arthritis to depression and even Alzheimer’s disease.


Here are five mind-blowing facts about Turmeric:


  1. Turmeric offers anti-inflammatory benefits due to curcumin


The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are due to a compound in the spice called curcumin. Curcumin can provide pain relief without the harmful side effects of NSAIDs, and it also addresses the root cause of inflammation. The reasons for this are still not entirely understood, but researchers believe that curcumin works by inhibiting an enzyme responsible for creating inflammation.


Adding a little extra turmeric to your food can help relieve muscle and joint aches. As a bonus, it will also make the food taste great. Turmeric is commonly used in curry powder and mustard, so experiment with adding a little bit of turmeric to your favorite recipes.


  1. Turmeric aids liver detoxification


The liver is the body’s primary filter, and the reason that it’s able to do its job so well because it is constantly detoxifying. As a result, many different toxins are filtered out of the blood by the liver. Some toxins that the liver can collect include alcohol, pesticides, chemical residues, oxygen-depleting toxins, and many others.


Studies have shown that curcumin increases the activity of certain enzymes in the liver, which can help to prevent damage to cells and improve liver function. Drinking turmeric tea and eating foods rich in turmeric can help to increase the body’s ability to detoxify.


  1. Turmeric helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels


Overweight and obesity are prevalent in the United States, and millions of people have diabetes and other conditions that arise due to blood sugar imbalances. Having healthy blood sugar levels is one way to prevent the development of these conditions.


Turmeric can help to balance out blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity. Studies have shown that curcumin is a very potent anti-diabetic agent and can help improve insulin sensitivity, which also helps prevent diabetes.


  1. Turmeric can provide relief for someone suffering from depression


It’s no secret that depression and anxiety are widespread in western societies. To alleviate their symptoms and suffering, many people reach for prescription medication, ranging from toxic to risky.


Turmeric is very effective in treating depression. One study found that curcumin is capable of helping to reduce the symptoms associated with depression, such as fatigue and sadness. It was discovered that turmeric modulates levels of neurotransmitters, which are related to feelings of happiness and well-being.


  1. A new research study has found that turmeric can clean arteries


Tumeric can prevent bad cholesterol from building up in your arteries. When people have high levels of bad cholesterol in their system, it can lead to clogged arteries. Over time, this may lead to a condition known as Atherosclerosis. In this condition, plaque collects inside the arteries, and this can cause health problems.


Turmeric can prevent plaque buildup by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This means that it can prevent bad cholesterol from forming and sticking to the artery walls.




Turmeric is one of the most potent spices globally, and it can provide countless health benefits. It’s a spice that should be in everyone’s kitchen cupboard, and it can be used as a food additive to improve the taste of many dishes.


When used regularly, turmeric can provide relief for various conditions and ailments. It is an antioxidant that helps to support liver function and detoxification. It can also offer many benefits for people who suffer from depression.

