Here To Stay: Food Trends 2021


2020 was a never-ending year that changed our lifestyle in many ways. With the pandemic on the rise, we now prefer to stay indoors. It was a year of many new things, one of which includes food trends.

With the closure of restaurants, our diet has had a significant impact. As a result, new food trends have taken off and are still blooming in 2021. Below is the list of items that are popular this year and will remain so for some time.

Vegetarian Foods

Plant-based food items are still trending in 2021. As per a survey, it is reported that 28% of people have transferred to using plant sources for cooking. Although being a vegan was not uncommon in the past, many people are aiming to live a healthy life since the pandemic.

However, it should be kept in mind that not all people eating these food items are vegans. Some just enjoy them because of their excellent taste. Even some restaurants are introducing more healthy foods to boost sales.


If you think having breakfast is common in all households, you’re mistaken. Usually, people opt for getting a go-to black coffee in the morning. It saves time and serves as a good energy boost.

However, as more people have shifted to working from home, breakfast trends are rising. Even the demand for a simple meal as cereal has also boosted as per the annual report. The movement was at its height in 2020 and continues to be.

Pantry Foods

This cooking has become widespread due to the quarantine. Staying home all day is dull for most people. That is why many of us have refined our cooking skills during the year.

Who says we can’t enjoy good food if the restaurants are closed? It’s surprising with the ingredients we have; no dish can be left out. Besides that, cooking is highly cost-effective than ordering.

Flexitarian Diet

With many gyms closed, you may find it challenging to maintain your diet correctly. One of the ways to live healthily is by transferring to a flexitarian diet. The word seems fancy, but the concept is pretty simple.

Instead of going fully vegan, you can incorporate healthy meat into your life. For example, keep weekdays for veggies and weekends for meat. Such a balance has helped many in maintaining calories while enjoying good meals.

Fast Food

In 2020 restaurants were closed most of the year. However, now that slowly delivery services have reopened, fast foods have become more popular than ever. Even a pandemic is not enough to stop people from risking themselves and ordering food.

As per a study, drive-thru time for pickups has increased due to a large number of people. This just proves that fast foods will never go out of trend.

Bottom Line

No matter what the year, these food trends are here to stay. In fact, over the years, we’ll only be observing an increase in statistics about them. That is because food is the best way for people to enjoy and give themself a break.
