Plant-Based vs. Vegan: What’s the Difference?


One of the most popular debates in the world remains plant-based vs vegan food. While many people tend to confuse the two for the same thing, there is a striking difference between both types of diets. 

Both plant-based and vegan food tends to provide one benefit to people: they are healthy. Instead of opting for store-brought food or frozen food, going either vegan or adapting to a plant-based diet means taking more informed decisions regarding your dietary habits. 

The key difference between a vegan and a plant-based diet, however, is the elimination of animal products. While a vegan diet will not allow you to have animal products at all, a plant-based diet is more inclusive and has both animal products as well as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

The Vegan Diet

Following a strictly vegan diet means eliminating all animal products from your plate. This would include meat, poultry, dairy, and even items such as eggs and honey. A majority of people tend to opt for a vegan diet when they become more conservative of the environment. Opting for a vegan diet can bring forth many health benefits, especially since you would be following a diet that strictly includes only fruits and vegetables. 

However, a vegan diet can be unhealthy, too. There are many vegan products that are not great for your health, such as vegan cookies or junk food that is made using vegan ingredients. These food items can have a high calorie count and low nutrient levels – thus not providing the same benefit to your body as natural food would. 

The Plant-Based Diet

When you opt for a plant-based diet, you are giving yourself the freedom to choose your own food options. This could include animal products or going strictly vegan, but the focus remains on natural food such as fruit and vegetables. 

The emphasis on whole grains is essential in a plant-based diet. This means that your diet should include as little processed food as possible, and as many whole grains such as quinoa and plant-based oils as possible. A plant-based diets also includes having nuts and seeds such as sunflower or flax seeds as a part of your daily routine. 

Choosing the Right Meal Plan

If you are confused whether a plant-based diet is better than a vegan diet, then we must inform you that there is no right or wrong when it comes to meal plans. Since every individual has a different body with unique needs, it is important to focus on eating food that is best for your own self. In an ideal situation, your plate should include 50% of fruits and vegetables, 25% of whole grains, and only 25% of protein such as red meat or fish. 

If you are trying to eliminate animal products from your diet, then it is important to substitute the red meat with whole grains such as beans or quinoa to ensure that you have protein in your diet. However, having some lean meat or poultry occasionally is certainly not bad for your health. 

Healthy fats such as almonds or avocado oil can also do wonders for your diet. These items help you feel full for longer periods of time, thus eliminating your cravings for processed food.
