Refresh With Healthy Matcha Green Tea Yogurt Popsicles


When the weather turns warm, it’s time to cool down with a healthy boost of frozen enjoyment. Perfect when you want to beat the heat or provide a cool treat for a party or after school snack. Get ready for a tasty frozen treat that is refreshing and healthy. It only takes a half-hour to make with 10 minutes of prep time and delivers 121 calories of nutrition. The fusion of green tea with mint is a tasty combination that may leave your guests asking for more. So, be sure to make a double batch if needed.


Each ingredient has its own list of benefits:

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea provides numerous health benefits including a powerful punch of antioxidants. Ingredients in Matcha green tea may help to protect the liver, boost brain function, and may even help prevent cancer and promote heart health. It may even help you lose weight. You can buy the green tea powder at several grocery stores or a vitamin shop.



Mint offers rich nutrients that may help improve IBS symptoms and other digestive disorders. It may also improve brain function, and improve cold symptoms while masking bad breath.


Greek Yogurt

You could use any yogurt you prefer, but Greek yogurt is packed with nutrients including protein that helps promote healthy bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, hair, and blood. It also offer probiotics.


Almond Milk

Almond milk is lower in sugar than regular milk and high in Vitamin E. It is a good source of calcium and is enriched with Vitamin D. It is naturally lactose-free and perfect for the Vegan diet. It is low in phosphorus and offers a moderate amount of potassium.

The recipe will serve six. Here’s what you will need to make your own:


2 ½ cups almond milk

6 teaspoons Matcha green tea powder

2 handfuls mint leaves

2 ½ cups plain Greek yogurt

2 ½ cups ice cubes

Pour the almond milk, yogurt, and add mint leaves to a blender. Blend these ingredients until the consistency is smooth. Add the Matcha green tea powder, and blend again until well mixed. For an immediate smoothie style of treat, add the ice cubes to be enjoyed immediately after pouring into individual cups of your choosing.

Pour the blended mixture into Popsicle molds. Place a Popsicle wooden stick in the center of each one and put them in a freezer for a few hours until they are set. Once they have frozen and are set, take them out of the freezer and remove them from the mold. Serve and enjoy them right away.

If you are making the Popsicles to serve at a party, you could even get fancy with the Popsicle mold and choose various shaped ice cube molds which only adds to the fun and refreshment as a treat. You may even try serving with a sprig of fresh mint on the side. However you choose to serve them or for whatever occasion, this is a treat you will want to make again and again.

