Seasonal Eating: What Should I Eat and When?


If you care about the environment, then you must begin with considering what food rests on your plate throughout the year. While some studies suggested that opting for vegan food was the most effective way to reduce your carbon footprint in the world, we regret to inform you that the situation is far more complex than this simple research suggests. 

Before you start shopping from the fruits and vegetables aisle at the supermarket, it is important to consider what season it is. Depending upon the month, there are different fruits and vegetables that tend to be in season. 

If you are unsure about which fruits and vegetables to purchase during certain times of the year, here is a comprehensive seasonal eating calendar that can keep all of your worries at bay. 


When the year begins, it is important to take in leafy vegetables such as brussels sprouts and kale. The winter months are also a good time to include broccoli in every recipe that you create at home. If you are not a fan of the cruciferous vegetables, then you can opt for the best citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges that are in season in January. 


While most of the fruits and vegetables in February are similar to the ones available in January, you can add diversity to your meals by including turnips and cabbage too. If you are a fan of winter squash, then make sure to get that from the farmers market in February as well. 


If the weather continues to remain cold in March, you are likely to have the same fruits and vegetables available as the earlier months of the year. However, spring fruits such as pineapples and kiwi are likely to start hitting the shelves in March as well. More vegetables include Swiss chard and spinach that can be added to any dish to give it more life. 


While the April weather is rather tricky, you can depend on this month to have some of the most fresh fruits and vegetables from the earlier seasons. As the rain starts pouring down, farmers markets are likely to become more populated with summer produce. 


With apricots and strawberries finally making their way to the markets, the month of May means getting the most out of that spring produce that you were enjoying in the previous months. If you are a fan of okra and zucchini, then May is likely to become your favorite month of the year. 


As the summer season begins, you can start enjoying fresh blueberries, cherries, peaches, and kiwi. To keep yourself hydrated as the sun starts to shine for longer hours, fresh watermelon is a great choice for snacking. For vegetables, cucumbers and green beans will also be in season in June. 


Many people associate July with grilling season, and the fresh produce will be able to compliment every dish you make. This includes tomatoes, zucchini, corn, and even bell peppers. If you are a fan of fresh fruits, then you can have tart raspberries, plums, and blackberries. 


If you want to add color to your meals, then opt for corn, eggplant, cucumber, and green beans during August. There is a wide range of fruits available in this month too, including berries, mangos, peaches, and apricots. 


The summer berries are likely to be replaced with grapes and pomegranates in September. You can also have pumpkins and sweet potatoes with your protein this month. 


The month of Halloween means fresh mushrooms, cauliflower, celery, and sweet potatoes. Feel free to pick some fresh apples, pomegranates, and grapes this season too. 


As Thanksgiving comes around, make sure to include pumpkins and apples in your healthy dishes this month.


When the year comes to an end, fill your plate with cabbage, kale, and turnips that are readily available across farmers markets.
