Sick Of Crying When Slicing Onions? Try This Little Trick


If you are someone who happens to use onion even semi-regularly when cooking, you are probably sick of people at home asking you what’s wrong. What’s wrong? The onions!

Onions are known to make our eyes water and to make us essentially look like we are having a good cry. Now, while some might assume you have some kind of emotional connection to that onion you are slicing up, it’s simply just part of how onions work. However, as ever, the next generation of creators and influencers on TikTok are finding solutions to this very problem. 

The latest tip was sent out by @cerealeatingghost, who believes that they have found a wonderful technique to stop the old onion-cry-eye.

Since garlic and onions are used in so many recipes, this little ‘hack’ might just what you are looking for to help you stop sobbing as you prep your latest meal. You might have tried various other ideas in the past, with none really providing you with a solution. However, this idea might just offer you everything that you need.

And when you see how simple it is, you might start crying anyway!

How can I stop crying when cutting onions?

The trick that the comically named TickTocker showed us is quite simple. You take a wet paper towel on the chopping board. It really is that simple. Apparently, the cause of your crying stems from the fact that onion acids tend to have to be drawn to a source of liquid. 

So, our tear ducts make a pretty natural place for those acids to reach once they are put into the air. By having that little paper towel on the chopping board, though, the acids from your onion are going to stick to that first and foremost. This will make the acids draw into the water on the towel instead, meaning that your eyes should soon stop feeling quite so raw.

Does this trick work?

We tried it out ourselves, and we have to say that yet it does work. However, we tried it three times in a row – three nights in a row, that is – and found that while it did stop us crying more or less entirely two nights, on the third night we still had some teary eyes when cooking. However, while it didn’t stop the problem 100% it definitely made a big difference of at least 80%.

So, if you want to try and work towards making yourself feel better physically when cutting onions, you might want to try out this little secret trick. While it might not make you stop crying entirely, it should go a pretty long way to making sure you can make the severity of the problem lessen quite significantly.

Onions are a vital part of cooking, but the downside to their usage is the fact they can leave you feeling like you’ve just had a good old sob. Stop that problem today, then, with the help of some DIY tips in the form of a wet paper towel and end, or reduce, that onion side-effect moving forward. 
