The Art Of Obento


In the West, we don’t think twice about our packed lunches and meals. However, that is not the case in Japan, as a boxed lunch is a means of communication and a work of art. The boxed lunch is known as obento and has a rich history of hundreds of years.

Here is everything you need to know about obento as it has become a critical part of everyday Japanese life.

The Significance Of Obento

Ever since its inception, obento is now rooted in Japanese culture as it is a means of communication. Spouses and parents create the obento with precision, care, and love. The box is full of nutrients, and you will notice the attention to detail in each part of the meal.

The makers of these obento boxes wake up early in the morning to cut nori in fun shapes, create rice balls in popular Ghibli characters, and much more. The box is not just a healthy meal, but it is also a delight for the eyes. Each food item is in the box for a reason.

The top four elements of any obento include:

  • Variety of food: Pickled, raw, and cooked
  • Colors: There are always five or more different colors
  • Harmony: Balancing delicate and robust flavors
  • Nutrition: Needs to be well-balanced

Tips To Create The Perfect Obento

Now that you are familiar with the basics of obento, here are the top tips on creating the perfect one:

  1. Ease Up On The Carbohydrates

If you are going with rice balls, you should not add bread to the lunch box. It creates too many carbohydrates and leads to a dull lunch box with less color. So, always choose between bread and rice.

In the same way, the box should have variety. Too much of the same food or element should be avoided. The aim is to have a well-balanced obento that provides nutrition and flavor.

  1. Avoid Foods With A Strong Fragrance

You don’t want the receiver of your obento to open the box and feel bad because of a strong fragrance. The box will trap the aroma, and it will be stronger when the person opens it. That is why you should steer clears of such foods.

Instead, always try to pack light foods that don’t have a strong smell. It will be a sigh of relief for the receiver and the people around them.

  1. Wake Up Early

If you have a few people in your house that require packed lunches, you need to wake up early. Each detail should be executed with precision, and the items should reflect the preferences and tastes of the receiver. When your loved one opens their box, they should be happy to receive such love and care.

Final Words

That is everything you need to know about the obento box. Follow these guidelines, and you will create the best obento for your loved ones. It is a work of art that is incredibly underrated in other parts of the world.
