The best cooking shows to try out on TV


When we watch cooking shows, we can find it incredibly easy to get excited by what we see on-screen. it can inspire us to try out cuisine we would normally avoid, or to dip into markets, themes, and tastes the likes of which we normally would never touch. With that in mind, you might wish to try out some of the best cooking shows on TV. If you want to give yourself a spot of added inspiration, then you might wish to take a look at our recommended cooking suggestions below!

Andrew Zimmern, Bizarre Foods

If you like to see food that comes with a very particular background, take a look at this show. It’s an excellent choice for anyone who wants to appreciate food with a more specific creation. While it’s a bit out there, Bizarre Foods does offer some intriguing choices that you are sure to enjoy trying out.

Andrew Zimmern is a great food expert, too, and shows off his ample knowledge about the foods he is trying out in every episode. Definitely a show worth watching if you love to see truly unique food.

Dishing with Julia Child

Julia Child was an expert in the world of cooking, a chef with an excellent resume and a wonderful story. This wonderful series goes through the story of her career, her love of cooking, and the amazing things that she used to come up with. It also includes interviews with chefs and culinary experts from the modern era who took a lot of inspiration from her works and her expertise.

A very interesting video to watch, and one that should give you a real appreciation of just how revered Child is within the culinary industry.

Good Eats

If you like your cooking to come with comical explanations and no shortage of insight, then watch Good Eats. Follow Alton Brown as he takes us on a culinary journey and can entertain, excite, educate, and inform in equal measure. Few people out there can be quite as interesting to listen to as he is on the subject and can give you some awesome inspiration for your next cooking trip.

You might even just learn a few tips to make cooking a bit easier for you; loaded with information, facts, and advice, this is a show that any would-be chef should enjoy taking part in.

Anthony Bourdain – No Reservations

The late, great Anthony Bourdain was one of the brightest minds of his, or any, culinary era. He was a genuine, an open-minded expert who had no problem at all in going out of his comfort zone. Bourdain gives you some awesome ideas through No Reservations that should give you all of the help that you need to really understand cooking from other parts of the world.

A deeply intriguing man who was as passionate about the history of food as he was about creating and consuming it. RIP Anthony; at least we have your amazing shows to remember your genius.

