
Garlic bread is a necessity in any Italian treat. Though it might not necessarily seem idea to put much effort into it as it is only used to mop up extra sauce from pasta. I always ensure that every part of my meal is with enough flavor to prevent it from being bland. A sumptuous garlic bread is but only nine to twelve minutes of effort and is totally worth it.

A lot of folks have turned to baking during this pandemic period, while some have turned into baking pros others have not, so for the pro bakers why not use the outcome of your hard work to try out this bread and it’s recipe. I am definitely not  a professional baker, hence I purchase my breads from local bakeries. I mean why go through the trouble of baking a garlic bread if the outcome is not going to be as good as what I would probably purchase at the bakery and besides going to the local bakery in this period both gives me the idea and sumptuous bread of my craving and also to support small business owners in this difficult times. A ciabatta, crusty bread, or baguette are all nice choices.

I abide by the Italian motto “there is no such thing as too much garlic”. In the case whereby you’re mainly getting used to garlic and not exactly a garlic lover then feel free to make use of fewer cloves. Don’t forget to watch the bread closely when broiling when arriving at the end of the recipe as the bread can quickly go from nicely baked to burnt in less than 45 seconds. When I was younger, I would always be distracted and that in turn resulted to me constantly producing burnt breads, but after awhile I’ve grasped that fact that the bread needs to be watched closely at the ending stages in order to produce a nicely, baked, flavored bread in the end.


  • 12 inch loaf of top quality crusty, chewy bread
  • 4 garlic cloves nicely chopped
  • 2 tablespoon of unsalted butter
  • 1/4  teaspoonful of oregano
  • 1/8 teaspoonful of sage
  • 1/8 teaspoonful of thyme
  • 1/8 teaspoonful of black pepper
  • 1.5 teaspoonful of parmesan cheese, grated.


  • Heat the oven to a temperature of about 375f before adding the bread.
  • Slice a loaf into two, then put the sliced halves in such a way that the inner part of the loaf is facing upward on the baking sheet.
  • Melt the butter, apply the butter evenly on the two sliced halves, sprinkle garlic, spices, and parmesan even on the loaf.
  • Then bake for six minutes. After six minutes remove from the oven and then turn the oven to broil. When ready, put the bread into the oven again for about 3-4 minutes, be sure to pay close attention to it and ten remove the bread from the oven when it has turned golden and crispy.
  • Slice into several pieces and then you can serve.