The Differences Between White and Dark Turkey Meat Revealed


Turkey meat is a good source of protein and other nutrients, but the difference in taste between white and dark meat can make it challenging to know which you should use when preparing a meal. As you already know, turkey is one of the most versatile meats. You can use it to make anything from tacos to Italian sausage.

Let’s discuss what the difference between white and dark turkey meat is.

What is white turkey meat?

White meat is the breast meat of the turkey, which is why it’s often referred to as simply “breast.” The breast tends to be leaner meat than dark meat, and because of this taste is milder. It’s also higher in protein and low in fat, making it a smart option for anyone looking to lose weight.

Wings are also considered white meat. Turkey wings may not be as appealing as chicken wings for one reason or another, but you shouldn’t overlook them. Turkey wings are lower in fat and calories than chicken wings, and they can be a tasty addition to any meal.

What is dark turkey meat?

Dark meat comes from the thighs and legs of the turkey. As with all dark meat, it tends to be heavier than white meat and more flavorful. You’ll also find that dark turkey meat is higher in fat and calories than white turkey meat.

The drumsticks and thighs are the most popular turkey parts for roasting. Dark meat is a good choice if you want to add flavor and moisture to a recipe, but you don’t want the white meat (the breasts) to dominate the dish.

How to tell the difference and which to choose?

There are two easy ways to determine whether you’re working with white meat or dark meat. First, look for the color of the meat. White turkey meat will be lighter, while dark turkey meat will be darker. The second is to look at the texture of the meat. White meat is denser, while dark turkey meat has a more loose texture.

Regardless of the type of meat, you’re working with, know that both types have their advantages. If you’re looking for a leaner cut of turkey to make your favorite Thanksgiving turkey recipes, go with the white meat. And if you want to add moisture and flavor to your turkey recipe, use dark meat.

The texture of the meat is one factor to consider when using white or dark meat

If you’re not sure whether you need to use white or dark turkey meat in your Thanksgiving recipe, it’s probably safe to assume that they both will work. However, be aware that white and dark meat have different textures. White turkey meat is denser and firmer, while dark turkey meat is looser, making it more likely to turn to mush or fall off of the bone.

Pay close attention when buying ground meat if it’s white or dark

If you’re buying ground turkey, you’ll want to check the label or ask a supermarket employee which type the ground turkey is. Ideally, you’d want a mix of white and dark, but too much white could leave you with ground meat without enough fat or flavor for whatever dish you’re cooking.
