The Face of The Food Industry in The Wake of COVID 19


Our world has changed so much during this crazy year.  We used to go out constantly.  Our home was a great place to sleep and maybe eat.  Meeting up with friends was something you did every day. 

Now, we are confined to our homes.  We eat, sleep, play, and work there.  Only a few people are supposed to leave there home often.  Those people are essential workers.  Medical and food personnel have been deemed essential and must go to work every day.  While they are there, they must contend with more precautions, safety measures, and procedures. 

What have we seen with COVID 19?

When COVID 19 was discovered late in December, we knew very little about it.  As time progressed, we began to understand that we had a real problem on our hands. 

COVID 19 is highly contagious, quickly spreading, and it’s much deadlier than the flu.  People are dying every day do to COVID, and the numbers won’t stop climbing.  This has left us with few options but to social distance, wear masks, and stay inside.

Certain things must continue to go on, despite the insanity.  One of those things is food production.

What procedures are in place for food production workers?

One of the ways COVID doesn’t spread is through food, so there aren’t any extra procedures for the food itself.  Rather, the workers are who is in danger and the ones the new protocols are trying to protect.

Intense handwashing is a huge part of food safety now it’s even more important.  So is avoiding touching any part of your face.  Gloves may seem like they would make the problem better, but it can actually make the problem worse.  Gloves are a surface, and like any other, they can become contaminated.  In order for gloves to be in use, you would need to change them out after contact with every surface and wash your hands with each change. 

Along with cleanliness, there is additional protective gear.  Masks have become a necessity.  In any part of food service, you must be wearing one at all times now.  In addition to masks, workers may wear other protective gear, including face shields and in some cases, simple suits that can protect a worker from the virus.  Plexi glass shields are also in use in areas where social distancing isn’t possible.

In the past, it was easy to come to work if you had a small cold.  That is no longer the case.  Workers must consider that their cold could be COVID.  If they present symptoms, no matter how mild, they must quarantine for 14 days.  In addition, if they don’t have symptoms, but have had contact with someone who has tested positive, they must quarantine.

Finally, if a worker tests positive, the facility must thoroughly close and clean anywhere this employee has been.  Workers must be notified that someone has tested positive, but who that person is cannot be shared. 

All of this may seem like a lot, and it is.  Our food workers have never had to deal with this before, but this is the most effective way we’ve found to keep everyone safe until COVID 19 comes to an end.
