The five essential spices every kitchen pantry needs


When cooking on a regular basis, you will find yourself falling back on a few must-use spices. Some ingredients tend to turn up in most things that you eat, while others will only turn up the odd time. Regardless, having a fine variety of high-quality spices is sure to make your culinary creations even better than ever. Want a hand in doing that? Then make sure you have the following five spices stored up.

The next time you are creating an A+ meal, you will find at least one of these will be present!


Do yourself a favour and invest in a little tub of paprika as soon as you can. It’s not as intense as other pepper-based spices, but it does add a nice heat to any dish. It can be a good compromise when cooking for a party that are half-and-half when it comes to enjoying spice.

Those who enjoy something a little different will find paprika to be a happily agreeable, versatile option that works in many dishes.


Cumin is used today in a lot of different recipes, mainly thanks to that smoky taste that it leaves behind. Cumin is commonly found in Indian food, so having a little pinch of it thrown into various dishes can add a layer of energy and flavour that was previously missing.

Definitely, something to get used to working with, as cumin can add flavour to dishes that might have been lacking a bit of charisma before you added this.


Oregano is commonly worked into a host of dishes from around the world, and it’s a great choice for any Italian-based dish. When thrown into a tomato-based dish in particular it can really bring out the taste and the texture of that tomato base. An excellent choice for those who want to add a nice Italian kick to their food, though it also works well when blended into a large chunk of Mexican based dishes, making it extremely popular.


Thyme is a regular addition when you need a mild yet citric kick added to your food. It is great when added into meat dishes and stews, but it also be great for anyone who is going to create a vegetable-main dish that needs a bit of extra punch. Great for adding flavour to a dish that might be a touch too basic and mild for the majority of your guests to enjoy.

Black pepper

Alongside a wee dash of salt, you can find that black pepper is a surprising game-changer when it comes to quality, refreshing food. It helps to add a nice touch that can be a great, strong spice for adding an extra layer of taste to any savoury dish. Be sure to experiment with various forms of black pepper, as some come with a citric flavouring that can further enhance a dish when added in at the right quantity.

Overall, try and add all five of the above to your pantry and you should cooking is much easier to get creative with.
