The Recipe For The Best Gamekeeper’s Pie

Do you like the strong game flavor, and are you looking for the best pie recipe? If you are, you must not look further than this. We have the best recipe for you that will keep you and your stomach happy in no time.

So, you have come to the right place. Here is a complete guide to creating a delicious gamekeeper’s pie in no time.

What You Will Need

Make your way to your nearest grocery shop and get these items to create a delicious pie:

  • Two chopped carrots
  • One chopped large onion
  • Fifty grams’ butter
  • 700 grams of mixed game meat deboned and cut into pieces of three centimeters
  • One tablespoon olive oil
  • 300 grams of pack venison sausages removed from skins
  • Two tablespoon plain flour
  • 150ml red wine
  • One tablespoon tomato puree
  • One tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 500ml beef or chicken stock
  • One bay leaf
  • Two tablespoon milk
  • 600 grams of mixed root vegetables cut into chunks
  • Four tablespoons chopped thyme leaf
  • 400 grams of potato cut in chunks

How To Create A Delicious Gamekeeper’s Pie

Now that you have all the ingredients, here are the steps you must follow to create a delicious pie:

Step Number 1

Heat half of the oil and butter in a large pan. After that, add carrots and onions. Cook these vegetables for ten minutes until they become soft.

Once that happens, add your sausages and the game meat to the pan. Turn the heat up and use the back of your spoon to squash the meat and break it. Keep in mind to cook it for ten minutes until they are brown.

Step Number 2

Now, you must stir the flour and add the tomato puree into the meat while cooking it for a minute. After the minute, add the sauce, stock, wine, bay leaf, and three tablespoons of thyme. Bring all of this to a simmer and reduce the heat while leaving it to cook for an hour. After the hour, remove the lid and cook for fifteen minutes more until the sauce is thick and the meat is tender.

Step Number 3

Put the vegetables and potatoes in a large pan. Cover them with water while bringing them to a boil and cooking for twenty minutes till they become tender. After that, drain the water and leave it to steam for five minutes. Finally, mash it with seasoning, remaining butter, and milk.

Step Number 4

Heat your oven to 220C/200C fan/ gas 7. After that, tip the meat inside an ovenproof dish and spoon on the mash. Sprinkle the leftover thyme and bake for forty-five minutes till the sauce bubbles and top is golden.

Final Words

That was your complete guide to creating a delicious gamekeeper’s pie. Be sure to follow the guidelines, and you will have fantastic pie in no time. You can feed it to your family or guests, and everyone will fall in love with the exquisite taste in no time.