This Is Why Eating More Radishes Should Be on Your New Year’s Resolution List


Radishes might not be your first choice of food, but you would be surprised at what they can do for you!

It can help you fight certain infections

Fungal infections to be more specific.  Maybe an infection isn’t necessarily COVID, but it’s no fun, and the less your body has to fight off, the better off your immune system is.

It can help you fight diabetes

Speaking of COVID, did you know that diabetes puts you in the high-risk category?  If your worried, then try adding some radish to your diet.  It can help regulate blood sugar levels.  In addition to that major benefit, it contains certain proteins that are useful in fighting insulin resistance.

It can help you with digestion and urinary tract problems

Radishes are high in fiber, which is known to help with digestive issues like constipation.  It also has anti-inflammatory property.  If you’re struggling with inflammation in your kidneys and urinary tract, try some radish juice.  While it is not a medical cure, it can reduce the pain these conditions might be causing you.

Radishes can help your liver

Liver and kidneys always seem to go hand in hand.  Both are part of your digestive system, so it might not surprise you to find the liver is in included on the list.  Radishes can help the liver weed out toxins that may be flowing through your body.  This also gives your kidneys a break.

Radishes improve the overall health of your heart

The heart is one of the most important organs in your body, but it seems that a lot of things we consume are out to get it.  Not radishes!  Radishes have shown to improve blood flow and lower your blood pressure.  They are rich in calcium and potassium, which are instrumental for your body.

Radishes lower your risk for cancer

As our population advances, we become more and more exposed to cancer causing chemicals.  As we evolve, we become in more danger of cancer-causing mutations.  Radishes can certainly help.  Some of the things they include have shown to break down some of the substances that may lead to cancer.  They can also protect you from some of the mutations that cause cancer.

How do we eat them?

The numerous benefits of radishes don’t take away from the fact that they aren’t the world’s most popular vegetable.  Whether it’s their appearance or their taste, some people can’t bring themselves to try it.  I implore you to, and here are a few ways to do so.

You can always go old school and add them to a salad.  They taste great with other greens and they add a pop of color.  You can also put them on the side with some dip (tip: cook them in a pan with some sea salt and oil).  Yet another thing you can do is add them to your sandwich or burger.  There are many different ways to enjoy radishes and the benefit to you doing so is immense.
