Timeless Thanksgiving Side Dish Ideas That Everyone Will Love


It’s the most beautiful time of the year when family and friends get together to celebrate a centuries-long tradition. And to celebrate, you need to know how to make the ultimate Thanksgiving side dish. But instead of getting overwhelmed with all of the possibilities, here are some ideas that are guaranteed to please.

No Thanksgiving is complete without mashed potatoes

It’s true; you can’t have Thanksgiving dinner without mashed potatoes. But you can have mashed potatoes that everyone will love. The secret is in the texture. You don’t want any lumps in your mashed potatoes. And you also don’t want any watery potatoes. The best-mashed potatoes are the ones that are just right.

Start by adding some butter to the potatoes. Then mash the potatoes until they are creamy and smooth. You might want to add some cream or milk to make them even softer.

Stuffing is the ultimate Thanksgiving side dish

Another Thanksgiving side dish that will be a hit is stuffing. It’s the Thanksgiving side dish that has been on the table from the beginning of Thanksgiving history. And it’s a part of history for a reason: it’s delicious! But there are a lot of ways to make stuffing.

You can put the stuffing directly into the turkey or bake it in a pan by itself. Some people prefer to cook the stuffing in a pan for fear that the turkey won’t cook all the way through.

You can’t have enough cranberry sauce at the Thanksgiving table

Turkey is the centerpiece of any Thanksgiving. But cranberry sauce is the side dish that people love to hate. They either embrace cranberry sauce, or they run away from it, but you can’t please everyone all the time. One thing is for sure; however, if you’re going to have Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce, then you’re just not celebrating Thanksgiving.

You can make your own cranberry sauce, or you can buy it in a can. But if you go the DIY route, you can make it even tastier. You can use orange zest to add another dimension to your cranberry sauce.

Make the perfect green bean casserole

When it comes to Thanksgiving side dishes, green bean casserole is a perennial favorite. You will find out that whether you like green bean casserole or not, there’s no such thing as a bad green bean casserole. The trick is getting the green beans to be crisp and cooked all the way through. (And no one likes green bean mush.)

If you’re making your own green bean casserole, then don’t forget to cover it with plenty of crispy fried onions. You can also add different flavors to your casserole by using other seasonings and spices. For example, if you like garlic, then adding garlic powder will be a great idea.

Don’t forget the pumpkin pie

If you’re going to serve a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, remember to make a fresh one. You can use a premade pie crust, or you can even buy a pie from the store. But whatever you do, make sure that you don’t forget to load up on whipped cream.

Pumpkin pie is a great dessert that you can make for Thanksgiving. It has that traditional pumpkin flavor, which will make it a hit with anyone who likes pumpkin pie. The only problem is that you might want to make two pies because everyone will want to have seconds!
