Top 7 Lesser Known Facts About Sugar


We all know sugar is an ingredient that produces a sweet taste. It is used in drinks, desserts, food, and much more. Many of you be cutting down on your intake to control weight. Nonetheless, this sweetener is an essential part of our lives.

Below are some facts about the ingredient.

  1. It Is Ancient

The history of sugar goes back more than 10,000 years. It is said to originate from the Indian subcontinent. But there are reports of sugar dating back to 8000 BC.

Back then, honey was more prevalent for sweetening stuff due to ease of availability and transport. The first record of crystallization predates to 500 BC in China and India. Initially, the ingredient was consumed by feeding on raw sugarcanes.

  1. Sugar Was Initially A Spice

In the twelfth century, when sugar was first introduced in England, it was considered a spice. That is because it was put in the same group as exotic spices such as:

  • Ginger
  • Saffron
  • Cinnamon

The reason why it was considered a spice was because only the elites could afford it.

  1. Cane Sugar Is Better Than Beet Sugar

There are two ways to produce sugar. You can use either sugarcane or beet sugar. However, the cane method is more prevalent.

Sugarcane outcompetes beet in the production volume. It accounts for three-quarters of all types of production. The growth period is longer; hence quantity is higher. Despite the fact, beet sugar is still produced primarily in Europe and the US.

  1. It Can Serve As A Preservative

The widespread use of the ingredient is to sweeten items. Another role of sugar is to prevent food from spoiling. It preserves the texture and flavor of the thing.

Scientists report that sugar acts as a preservative by inhibiting microbial activity. The high sugar concentration prevents osmosis, a process without which microbes can’t survive.

  1. It Affects More Than Waistline

Many of you may avoid sugary items not to gain weight. But there are other serious factors that you should take into account.

  • It is reported high levels of sugar can cause kidney problems
  • Research shows sugar impairs vision and can cause dementia
  • Excessive use leads to gout and raises uric acid levels.

These are only a few harmful effects of consuming sugar frequently.

  1. Sugar Was Highly Expensive

The sweetener was only consumed by elite members of society in early times. But even in the 16th century, the prices were high. One teaspoon of sugar back then is equivalent to $5 today.

  1. It Has Medicinal Properties

In Ancient times, the commodity was used as medicine more frequently than a sweetener. During the mid-12th century, sugar was used for treating:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Dry lips
  • Stomach illnesses

The interesting fact is that even modern scientists believe in its medicinal use. Studies provide further evidence about the healing properties of sugar.

Final Remarks

That was your complete guide to the seven lesser-known facts about sugar. The item not only fulfills our sweet cravings but has a rich history too.
