Your Diet can actually save the world


One of the popular belief among individuals in the world today is that getting solar panels for the rooftops and driving in electric vehicles will best battle environmental changes and address our consistently rising CO2 discharge. I used to think that taking short showers, riding bike to work instead of my car, burying all my waste and dirt in the backyard and unsubscribing from Amazon prime could help the environment become better. Even though they could, but I realized that there’s one necessary thing you just need to do and that is abstinence from eating meat.

According to a statement released by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the meat industry takes up over 8 percent of water with over 1800 cans of water used in every meat production. Substances like waste from animals, anti microbial, pesticides, microorganisms and other waste products from dissolved lands move into our streams and rivers. According to reports, the livestock section is the main cause of water pollution all over the world including the damages cause by the meat industry on the Ozone layer.

You might not believe that the green house discharge caused by the livestock sector is far more greater than the ones produced by vehicles. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, supposing every American citizen replaces the normal meat they eat daily with crops and green plants for just 1 meal every week, the total amount of emissions that would be prevented can be compared to removing half a million vehicles from the roads of U. S. After so many research over the years, it has been observed that meat is one of the world’s top problems that need to be solved., even  the United Nations Environment Programme supported this statement. If the rate at which individuals utilize meat is reduced, environmental pollution and global warming effect will be reduced drastically. Moreover, most health issues around the world is specifically caused by excessive ingestion of meat, if meat production is reduced, it will prevent all these health – related problems from occurring.

The popular belief is that eating meat will supply your body system with enough protein but that is not entirely true. Excessive consumption of meat leads to obesity, cancer as well as heart-related problems. Processed meats such as bacon, hot dogs, ham etc. has been identified by the World Health Organization to contain the Group 1 carcinogen. This means that processed meat can likely lead to cancer as there are strong evidence supporting this findings. Furthermore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has picked out twenty two experts from 10 different countries to research more on the issue and they observed that eating about fifty grams of processed meat in a day which is not more than 2 pieces of bacon can make you more vulnerable to colorectal cancer by about 18%. When we talk about the general food we eat, livestock sector provides just 37% of the protein we use every day yet it is the largest sector and remember we also consume other protein-giving food such as beans, nuts and lentils which provide more protein than meat.
